Help with creating UV maps!


Oct 3, 2003
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I'm trying to create some UV maps by following anakalars tutorial video

I've got my model (as an editable mesh), then added the edit mesh modifier, then i've moved and arranged the pieces into what i think is in a good position to texture (detached and ticking detach to element)

In the video, after arranging the pieces, he adds a UVW mapping modifier, planar etc. SO i do that.

Then i add a Unwrap UVW modifier. Done. I can check my uv map in the window that pops up , it looks ok.

Then you disable the edit mesh modifier and pieces snap back together. Then you right click and select collapse all.

Now in the video the UV map he just created stays there after collapsing. When i collapse, the uv map vanishes and it goes back to some crappy default UV map. In the video this all happens at about 6:15 seconds.

Any suggestions?
Ok i think the models already had uv maps on them from previous editing i was doing. When i collapse, it collapses to the original uv map. IS there any way around that?
well, to clear the old maps.... there should be athing that's called "reset UV maps"

bah, i persoanl;ly dislike the way ank unwaps...i find it easier to select faces and unwrap that way.
Yeah i may try that way. Ankalars is a bit iffy from my short experience :)
:( :( :(

Try keeping the Edit UVs window up while disabling the Edit Mesh modifier. It has happened to me before (in Max 5, not anymore in Max 6) that the UV coordinates go away after disabling the Edit Mesh modifier. I just have to redo it if that happens. I usually unwrap things one little object at a time so having to redo one piece wouldn't give me too many problems.