Help with my admin.


Jun 22, 2006
Reaction score

I am admin in our clan. However, every time our server changes map, my admin quits working and says "You are not authorized to run the admin command." I am the only one of our admins who experiences this. Is this a problem with the server end or my end? Does anyone know how to help?

Thank you for reading.

sys4. VeinsOfPoison
I assume this is a hosted dedicated server, run by a server provider like Gameservers or something?

What game/mod are you running the server for (HL2DM, CSS, DODS, whatever), and what admin mods are installed, if any?

It sounds like a problem on the server end, but still probably the fault of you guys and not hardware or anything. I'd double check the admin config if I were you, it should be a text file on the server somewhere depending on what mods you're running.
It is a Counter Strike Source Server.
No Mods.
Powered by Counter Servers.Net
It is a good server i am just wondering what the problem is.
And i am not head admin.

Just some insight on what to look for would be tremendous.
There should be a config file somewhere in the server FTP where the admins are specified, generally by Steam ID. Yours might be incorrect, have whoever manages the server check on it. I've only had experience with admin mods but I assume that a vanilla server still uses a config file for it.