Help with my first build


Party Escort Bot
Dec 2, 2004
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Ok guys, i'm looking up all the parts for my first build.

Amd system:

case: either an Aspire x Dreamer II or a super lanboy. Probably the Dreamer since it's got a free psu with it.

cpu: Athlon 64 3400+
mobo: still shopping around. Looking at a few msi ones with nvidia chipsets.
hd: my friend tipped me off that costco has a few 160 gig maxators for real cheap. Gotta get full specs though.
cd/dvd drive's: gonna rip out the combo drive and the cd drive in my current pc.
gfx: the 9800 pro in my current pc
ram: 2x 512 need to pick a mobo before I can look at this though

p4 system would be same but with a 3.2EGHz pressie, 800mhz fsb.

I can't decide between the amd or the intel proc. After looking at some benchmarks though, i'm starting to favor the amd proc because, despite the lower sandra memory benches (due to the single channel ddr controler on the amd. Look, I sound like I know what i'm doing!) it still has the p4 beat in terms of fps in game, and 3d and aqua mark benchmarks. And it's got that greate amd overclocking to back it up. What do you think?

Also, would buying a sound card help to take stress off the cpu? Cause I was just planning to run my jbl speakers off the mobo.

Other than that, what do you think of the system i've planned out? I know you can't really tell much since I don't have the specs for the mobo, ram, or harddrive.
Personally I would go with the Athon 64, but thats me, I'm an AMD fan, always have been, probably always will be :) Anyway where are you shopping at? Online I hope, and it better be THAT IS YOUR SOURCE FOR COMPUTER PARTS NO EXCEPTIONS!

About the soundcard, it makes minimal differece but I, and this is me (a really picky bastard) would get a sound card cause i want to sqeeze all the oompf out of my PC that I can. :)
Im also a fan of Kingston ram, they make really good sutff espically the HyperX line, it costs more but it can overclock alot :D

My system(kinda oldish)
AMD AthlonXP 2400+ OC'D to 2.4ghz w/ 422mhz fsb (standard 2ghz 266fsb)
MIS K7N2 Delta-L mobo
1gb 2700 Kingston HyperX (512mb x2)
ATI Radeon 9800 Pro (GO ATI)
Sound Blaster Live Platinum
(computer has survived night in the rain and being dropped into a snowbank plug side first!)

The specs on the system are good and will last you at least 2 years unless you want to go hardcore and get new stuff as soon as it comes out (not good practice unless daddy buys your gear or your old enough with a high paying job)

And welcome to the land of PC building :cheers: Good luck and I hope you don't get any DOAs those are always a real bummer :angry:
Hmmm. MSI's are pretty good, but i'd get an ABIT mobo, but that's just me.

And that GFX card will be a bottleneck for that system.
You sure about the 9800 Pro being a bottleneck? Its last gen hardware...
Yeah, and that CPU is this gen :p

It won't be something huge, but it will be a slight bottleneck. Just an FYI really. I'd probably keep the 9800 too for a while.
Same Here

I'm also building my own computer, need advice on if these parts are alright?

AMD *Retail* BIBOX Athlon 64 3000 64Bit (32 Bit compatible) CPU Socket 939 Winchester 90nm

Abit AV8, 3rd Eye, VIA K8T800 PRO, ATX, DDDR400, Gbit LAN, USB 2.0, 1394, 6Ch Audio, SATA, Raid

1 GB (2 x 512 Mb) Corsair Value Select Kit, DDR, PC3200, non ECC, Lifetime Warranty

Graphic Card
128Mb XFX GF6600GT AGP DDR3 Tv/2xDVI

Hard Drive
160 GB Hitachi (IBM/HGST) Deskstar 7K250 (7200rpm, 8Mb) - SATA

AOpen Beige 16x DVD-ROM + 48x CD-ROM IDE

Floppy Disk
1.44Mb Sony Black Floppy Disk Drive

Microsoft Windows XP Professional Inc. SP2 OEM

Scan 3XS '2010' ATX Midi Tower 400W PFC PSU + HDD Cooler + 3 x 80mm Fan + 3 Colours +SATA Conn

All from
Im not sure if i need to buy a new OS and if there is anything that i should get or change?
Nabobalis said:
I'm also building my own computer, need advice on if these parts are alright?

AMD *Retail* BIBOX Athlon 64 3000 64Bit (32 Bit compatible) CPU Socket 939 Winchester 90nm

Abit AV8, 3rd Eye, VIA K8T800 PRO, ATX, DDDR400, Gbit LAN, USB 2.0, 1394, 6Ch Audio, SATA, Raid

1 GB (2 x 512 Mb) Corsair Value Select Kit, DDR, PC3200, non ECC, Lifetime Warranty

Graphic Card
128Mb XFX GF6600GT AGP DDR3 Tv/2xDVI

Hard Drive
160 GB Hitachi (IBM/HGST) Deskstar 7K250 (7200rpm, 8Mb) - SATA

AOpen Beige 16x DVD-ROM + 48x CD-ROM IDE

Floppy Disk
1.44Mb Sony Black Floppy Disk Drive

Microsoft Windows XP Professional Inc. SP2 OEM

Scan 3XS '2010' ATX Midi Tower 400W PFC PSU + HDD Cooler + 3 x 80mm Fan + 3 Colours +SATA Conn

All from
Im not sure if i need to buy a new OS and if there is anything that i should get or change?

all good but get some better ram do not go for corsair value.
Operator said:
Personally I would go with the Athon 64, but thats me, I'm an AMD fan, always have been, probably always will be :) Anyway where are you shopping at? Online I hope, and it better be

Newegg and I haven't checked anywhere else! Go newegg!!! I think...
And yeah, right now i'm pretty dead set on the amd, seeing as it's got more bang for the buck. I'f I had a Grand to spend though, I might go intel. But screw Intel and thier damn overpriced processors with minimal performance to back them up!

Maxicana said:
Hmmm. MSI's are pretty good, but i'd get an ABIT mobo, but that's just me.

I'll check them out. I've heard that Asus makes some good overclockers too. I don't know why but I really want to get a board with an nVidia chipset. Beats me.

If I can rake together another 60 or so bucks, I think i'll go for a 3400+ socket 939. I was thinking of using this toward a 3500+ since it's dual channel, but I was looking at a few gaming benchmarks and despite it's higher sandra memory scores, it still gets lower frame rates compared to the 3400+.

Think I should go for the 939 3400+ or save 60 dollars and go for a 754. I'm not sure if i'll be tossing out my pc before I get an upgrade, since I have no idea how long it will take for this processor to age. What do you think?

Nabobalis said:
I'm also building my own computer, need advice on if these parts are alright?

Looks good, but, i'd go with a faster proc. Remember that you can always upgrade your video card, sound card, harddrive, speakers etc... But your pretty set on your processor and your mobo (You can upgrade these but those are the most eccentialy parts to your comp) so i'd say not to skimp out on the processor. I'f you're going to have to make compromises on something, make it on that x850, or that 500gig 10,000 rpm harddrive, then splurge on the processor. Then again, i've never built a pc, so what do I know eh :E

Oh and, next time, please make your own thread. I know you need help but posting your problem in another persons thread probably isn't the best thing to do. Seeing as it might divert attention from thiers. Just to let you know! :E