Help with my site


Space Core
Aug 22, 2004
Reaction score
I decided to purchase a domain name from godaddy and use wordpress on it. I uploaded the WP files to my root directory, so when i type my wordpress page comes up. My question is if I have all these other available pages with godaddy, how do I go about using them.

godaddy's site is confusing as hell and their support is even worse. Any help would be appreciated.

I'm not sure what you mean by "all these other available pages". What pages? You can put up as many pages as you have space for, you just have to upload them to the appropriate directory (Im guessing you are using FTP?).
I use Godaddy, but I have no idea what you're asking. Explain better!
how do i create a new page, i can't seem to do it without paying more.
Go to your Wordpress admin panel and create a new page?

Pages outside Wordpress will be simple HTML files. There might be an interface in Godaddy to upload them from your comp, or you should be able to use FTP.

I only have a domain name with Godaddy. I don't use them as my host.
Barney Trouble is Tyguy? When did this happen!!!
I'm confused, and this is why I never would use GoDaddy.
i think i got what i was looking for. After re-reading my initial post i'm surprised any of you got it.
Okay, now you are tyguy? You are tripping me out man.
Okay, now you are tyguy? You are tripping me out man.

I like to keep people confused :)

I've gotten a lot of "Barney is Tyguy!?!?" remarks so I figured id get back to my roots

anyway, my problem was resolved but installing wordpress is not difficult. If I wanted to say, add a forum at, do create a sub folder and ftp the necessary phpbb software to mySQL database on godaddy? That's where my confusion is.
