HELP with School (Video, Editing, Etc.)

Aug 29, 2003
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I have a feeling that this isn't the right section to post this thread, but the Off-Topic Chat section has been lively as of late and I'll probably get more replies. The Mods can move this if they need to.

Anyways, for my final English project I'll be creating a documentary on "Violence In Sports" and I need some advice about movie editing. Such as the programs I can use, the easiest way use the program's interface, what format the film should be in, or anthing else related to editing videos.
I've already tracked down some sports clips, but if you want to give me more links to others I'd appreciate it.

This project is due in 12 days (Monday January 19th, 2004) and I'm trying to make this as good as possible. I'll be quite busy until then so I won't get the chance to browse this thread as often as I wish, but we'll see.

Again use this thread to post any tips, links to programs (old threads about this topic if you can find them) or ideas that you can find for me to help me on this project. Video editing tips are especially needed. If you have anything to add, please do.

Thanks In Advance. :cheese:
Well Mac is definitly the best computer to edit videos on IMO.
The simpliest program is and will always be iMovie! Any idiot can use it and if you've got skills, it'll actually look really NICE!
I bet your school has got some iMacs, so all they need are a Digital Videocamera, which uses DV tapes and has got a DV in AND out connection!! Be sure to check that!
We don't have Macs at my school, unless they're hiding one in the art-room. And I've stayed away from Macs all my life because I've heard and seen bad things about them. I'll look into it though.
Well people who hate macs obviously don't use their PCs for anything else than gaming.
Mac is perfect for graphics, music and editing.
And don't judge things before you try it! That way you'll never get anywhere in life...
Macs are scarce around my area, so the only way I could really try one out would be a retail store. But then I would have to buy the thing in order to use the programs. It's just convinience and availability issues...
I know almost nothing about video editing but for an english project a few months ago we used Adobe Premier to edit what we made and everything worked out better than we had hoped...
$699.00!!! For the Price of the Adobe Premier I could purchase a used Mac.

Fortunately they have a 30 day trial offer of the software. They even have a training manual at the site.

Thanks for the info "The Mullinator" downloading the program now. :)
Unfortunately the download never completes. I've started it over 5 times now and it still never finishes. I'm on a fast connection too.

Could still use some more program ideas.