help with splinter cell: CT


Apr 19, 2004
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I just got the game and when i try to configure it, I cant choose any other option in the shadow model than 1.1
I have a X800XT platinium. Is that the only option for my card?
If not, what could be the problem? I have the latest ATI drivers (5.3?)
Well, in the demo only Nvidia cards where able to select above shader 1.1...dont know about the full game though.
Okay, in case any other person have the same doubt, ill answer my own question. this is from the patch 1.01 Q&A:

Q: I can't select anything but "Shader Model 1.1" in advanced graphics settings
because the option is grayed out.

A: The game supports only Shader Model 1.1 and 3.0, so if your graphics card
doesn't support Shader Model 3.0 it's not possible to enable it. Consult
your graphics card retailer for information about which Shader Model your
graphics card supports.
X800XT platinium does not have a S3.0.

Your card can support 1.0-2.0/2.0c.............But because the game can only suppport 1.1 and 3.0 and your card is on 1.0. thats all you can get.

My advice is try it with latest nvidia cards if you got one. OR wait till July for new ATI's card R520 which support S3.0 :)

Good luck
Only nvidia 6800's have PS 3.0....

So yeah you can only have 1.1...

Srry m8 :\ But don't worry, ATI already said the next ATI cards will have PS 3.0...
man, i love splinter serioes, but i just cant get it T_T