help with svchost.exe


Aug 1, 2003
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First of all i am running windows xp

every now and then when i start my computer, it starts running really slow. i then checked to see what was makin it so slow in the task manager and it said that svchost.exe was using 100% of the comp usage. I then ran adaware and norton and also got the new updates for windows. I also researched and found out that this might be a welchia virus. so i downloaded the symantac welchia removal tool and ran it but nothing came up. im not sure what could be doing this but please help me out

Type the offending process exactly as you see it. Spelling and capitalization is important.

If it is exactly as you spelled as above, it could be windows being stupid. You can try system restore to an earlier date or you can reinstall windows.
I have the same problems, it also messes with my firewall, i can disconnect but the internet monitor still flashes because of this process. Blocking it seems to stop the internet from working because its the Generic Host controller for Win32 services, right now, my firewall is listing it as 'Listening to port: TCP 500.

Its a real pain because of the whole CPU issue, it does it with ram too, it was taking up 98% of my 512 ram, put another 512 in today and its still using 98%. Greedy bugger.

The only advice i can really say is that it is a legit program and dont try to block it as it may stop your internet from working.

This is what microsoft say about it:
Shut off PC for 1 night, then see if it still says that.

btw, im serious
Wow, and I thought I was virus-free! SVC host has always made my PC slow, I never had a clue it was a virus... I better do something, quick...

Thanks for the info :)
'svchost.exe' is a system proccess. There are supposed to be a number of them.
youd best scan for viruses and spyware. having svchost take that much cpu% is not normal
there is a virus that has a very SIMILAR name to svchost...take a shot of your processes and post it up (take it when your PC is fully booted and network active, so I can tell you what should be there and what shouldn't.)
Asus said:
'svchost.exe' is a system proccess. There are supposed to be a number of them.

Svchost.exe is a generic host process name for services that are run from dynamic-link libraries (DLLs). The Svchost.exe file is located in the %SystemRoot%\System32 folder. At startup, Svchost.exe checks the services portion of the registry to construct a list of services that it needs to load. There can be multiple instances of Svchost.exe running at the same time. Each Svchost.exe session can contain a grouping of services, so that separate services can be run depending on how and where Svchost.exe is started. This allows for better control and debugging.

The following example of Tasklist output shows two instances of Svchost.exe that are running.

   Image Name         PID      Services
   System Process        0     N/A
   System                8     N/A    
   Smss.exe            132     N/A
   Csrss.exe           160     N/A
   Winlogon.exe        180     N/A
   Services.exe        208     AppMgmt,Browser,Dhcp,Dmserver,Dnscache,
   Lsass.exe            220    Netlogon,PolicyAgent,SamSs 
   [B]Svchost.exe          404    RpcSs [/B] 
   Spoolsv.exe          452    Spooler 
   Cisvc.exe            544    Cisvc 
   [B]Svchost.exe          556    EventSystem,Netman,NtmsSvc,RasMan,
                               SENS,TapiSrv [/B] 
   Regsvc.exe           580    RemoteRegistry 
   Mstask.exe           596    Schedule 
   Snmp.exe             660    SNMP 
   Winmgmt.exe          728    WinMgmt 
   Explorer.exe         812    N/A
   Cmd.exe             1300    N/A
   Tasklist.exe        1144    N/A
Estevan said:
omg Evil^Milk is mexican! w00t. Im mexican too :D

excellent :D

i'll look into the svchost thing, it could be getting worse soon