


erm, I converted the project files from vs2003 to vs6 and I try to compile the client dll and I get about 56 errors like this

C:\code\MyMod\src\game_shared\gamerules.h(24): Could not find the file baseentity.h.

etc But the file does exist in that directory....


.\..\Public\materialsystem/imesh.h(1035) : error C2400: inline assembler syntax error in 'opcode'; found '['
.\..\Public\materialsystem/imesh.h(1036) : error C2400: inline assembler syntax error in 'opcode'; found '['


And I can't even begin to build the hl dll because... see attached:
lol looks like a problem converting the project files. Have fun! I'm doing the same thing with VC++ 2005 Beta. I'm making progress though.
i wonder why valve didn't also release project files for the more popular (at least it looks like that to me) MSVC++ 6.0 ?
Jabberwocky said:
i wonder why valve didn't also release project files for the more popular (at least it looks like that to me) MSVC++ 6.0 ?

Maybe those of us with 2003 just aren't busy complaining... :-P
wait, what? that makes no sense at all? i said i wonder why valve didn't release project files for 6.0 ..
the more popular (at least it looks like that to me) MSVC++ 6.0 ?

Probably because it sucks :)

The SDK uses features of C++ that MSVC++ 6.0 either doesn't support or supports really badly. If you want it to compile using MSVC++ 6.0 I'd guess you'd have to make some rather major code changes.

You may be able to integrate the command line 2003.Net compiler (available from MS for free) with 6.0 and compile it that way. I reckon GCC should be able to compile it as well, it should compile fine but the linkage may be a problem. I may try and work out how to do it at the weekend.
Monder said:
The SDK uses features of C++ that MSVC++ 6.0 either doesn't support or supports really badly.

oh okay, i didn't know that, thanks for letting me know. Err yeah i think i'll try to compile with cygwin (it has a GCC compiler). if not, i'll try the command line .net 2003 compiler, if THAT doesn't work, i'll try to buy a copy of .net 2003 on ebay or something.
Hold up. Try installing the VC++6 Processor Pack. It adds support for all the SSE, SSE2, 3DNow! stuff.

I think that may clear up the C2400's you are getting.

While your at it, you might as well install the latest service pack. That certainly couldn't hurt.

I'm not really sure about the "file not found" errors, but try updating everything and see what happens after a build all.
the processor pack will only install on msvc++ 6.0 pro or enterprise. i'm just gonna shell out the cash for .net 2003 :(