
  • Thread starter Thread starter rebelsoccer
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I need help trying to figure out how to get to a room with a beam in it. This is where i am at.

All your weapons will be taken from you, but your Gravity Gun will be
upgraded. You can now use it to lift heavy things and kill enemies. It gives
quite a lot of fun. Continue, and you'll find a charger. This charger will
heal you, and also charge your suit (to 200 points). While you keep going,
Dr. Breen will give various speeches. Listen to them, and keep going.

Eventually, you'll end up in a room with a beam. Note how much fun it is to
throw a Combine in there. Find the elevator here and use it. You'll end up in
a room with a force field. You can pull the cores of the generators towards
you, and fire them off. Do so. This will kill the Combines, and disable the
power field. Continue.
Ummm, do what the Guide you quoted says, and go on the glass lift all the way to the top.
Just keep on walking there should be a path somewhere. HL2 is very linear, and especially easy during this level, it shouldn't be hard to find a path.

If this doesn't help you, someone will probably give a better description or you could just post a screenshot of where you are.
I just dont see how to do it, since every exit pretty much is blocked by a forcefeild
there's prolly a tower thing with some orbs in it that you have to suck away with the grav gun
I stil havnt been able to figure it out, maybe i can get some more help
try pressing f5 and giving us the screenshot
Is there a beeping sound when you use weapons and stuff? I had something similar happen to me and I ended up having to load the next map from the console.