Here be dragons.

I got in a fight with a giant squid while looking for treasure by myself in the middle of the pacific ocean. I won by punching it to death. Good times.
It's more clichéd to say dragons and so it was.
TheSomeone said:
I got in a fight with a giant squid while looking for treasure by myself in the middle of the pacific ocean. I won by punching it to death. Good times.
oh give it a rest :rolleyes:
bliink said:
Its cthulhu! Run you fools!
OMG I'm WAAAY ahead of you!

And what kind of creature was Cthulhu? I saw it in a book once.

I googled it but can't find anything.
short recoil said:
oh give it a rest :rolleyes:

Did I mention I only used my left hand? Even though I'm right handed? I was busy wrestling a pack of underwater nazi soldiers with my other one.
TheSomeone said:
Did I mention I only used my <a style='text-decoration: none; border-bottom: 3px double;' href="" onmouseover="window.status='left hand'; return true;" onmouseout="window.status=''; return true;">left hand[/url]? Even though I'm right handed? I was busy wrestling a pack of underwater nazi soldiers with my other one.
Wow man I wish I could be just like youz! Damn Nazis ****s!

Mmmm... finally, fresh giant squid to eat! No more of that dead rotting stuff!
Prince of China said:
Where did the idea of dragons come from?

I coined the term 180 thousand years ago.

Seriously though... dragon was likely not even the original name, but it probably came from dinosaur bones or something, that people were terrified or awed of. What do I know though?
TollBooth Willie said:
OMG I'm WAAAY ahead of you!

And what kind of creature was Cthulhu? I saw it in a book once.

I googled it but can't find anything.

Strange that you didnt get anything, in H.P Lovecraft's novels Cthulhu is a creature that inhabited the earth millions of years ago, kinda got casted into the ocean where he awaits the sign to rise again and destroy the world... something like that.
Milkman said:
Strange that you didnt get anything, in H.P Lovecraft's novels Cthulhu is a creature that inhabited the earth millions of years ago, kinda got casted into the ocean where he awaits the sign to rise again and destroy the world... something like that.

Yeah, there's a whole bunch of literary/movie/gaming references to his works. There was even an entire game based on him (don't remember the game) but he is very prevalent in modern horror genres.
Skaadi said:
Giant squid? I think I ate one of those once.

I think you might be confusing "giant squid" with "vagina". So many letters in common it's confusing.
TheSomeone said:
I think you might be confusing "giant squid" with "vagina". So many letters in common it's confusing.

*snort* I think "giant squid" and "vagina" share so much in common, young people think they even look the same. I know I did.
TheSomeone said:
I think you might be confusing "giant squid" with "vagina". So many letters in common it's confusing.

What is it with everyone here thinking that I'm a lesbian?
Skaadi said:
What is it with everyone here thinking that I'm a lesbian?

They're planting thoughts in your head.
Raziaar said:
Bah. What did I say that was wrong?


You're one of them aren't you!? The lot of you are against me!

*begins rocking motion*
I will now make it my quest to find this giant squid and eat it.
Sulkdodds said:
I will now make it my quest to find this giant squid and eat it.
JESUS CHRIST, frigging aliens shit creatures, can't stand em, i hope all sampled they find from now on are dead. Kill em, kill em all, Shens you suck.
I like squid. Its good with soy sauce.
I like your mom. She's good with man juice.
Please, not another derailment.....

too late....
You believe in me do you not?! Tr0nism is your new religion!
Yes, my lord. What is your command?

actually, no. I just saw 2 mods online..... *whimpers*

edit: make that 4..
Greatgat said:
*snort* I think "giant squid" and "vagina" share so much in common, young people think they even look the same. I know I did.

Sounds like a Hentai cartoon. Creepy.
Greatgat said:
*snort* I think "giant squid" and "vagina" share so much in common, young people think they even look the same. I know I did.

Yeah, it's the huge tentacles that shoot out at you during love making.
Skaadi said:
You're one of them aren't you!? The lot of you are against me!

*begins rocking motion*

No. I'm not one of them.
Sulkdodds said:
I have found the squid, and I have eaten it. :D

Any good? I like squid, doubt giant squid would be any different, just more of it.

And Skaadi's a lesbian? :O Thought there was something different about her...

And why the hell is ": o" an embarassed face...
It was pretty good actually. Kind of a toxic-wastey twang.
Greatgat said:
*snort* I think "giant squid" and "vagina" share so much in common, young people think they even look the same. I know I did.
Beaks included? Oh dear.
SimonomiS said:
Any good? I like squid, doubt giant squid would be any different, just more of it.

And Skaadi's a lesbian? :O Thought there was something different about her...

And why the hell is ": o" an embarassed face...

*sigh* Once again I'm going to have to kill certain people on this forum. You first.