Heriot Watt


Dec 2, 2005
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Sorry to make a thread about it, but I remember someone (or more than one) on here saying they're going to Heriot Watt. I am too, want to be friends?

Edit: What I mean is want to meet up while we're there, as I don't yet know anyone going to the uni (got in through Clearing) and I'd quite like to meet some of you.
It's a university. "Watt" has 2 "t"s.
you look like some nerd wanting friends

you: please be my friend please!*start crawling and grabing leg while crying* Pleeeeease be my friend! lets play games and talk about chicks, you can abuse if you want but pleeease be my friend!!*crying*
you look like some nerd wanting friends

you: please be my friend please!*start crawling and grabing leg while crying* Pleeeeease be my friend! lets play games and talk about chicks, you can abuse if you want but pleeease be my friend!!*crying*

LOL! :laugh:
Ahhh yes, Heriot Watt. I've only set foot in it once. For a karate competition.

I have no idea what it is like as a place of education. But anyway, seen as I'm not a student - I don't want to be your friend.
you look like some nerd wanting friends

you: please be my friend please!*start crawling and grabing leg while crying* Pleeeeease be my friend! lets play games and talk about chicks, you can abuse if you want but pleeease be my friend!!*crying*

That about sums it up.

But seriously, I'm wanting to meet some HL2.netters at some point anyway, since you're all such nice, compassionate people, and I figured this was the easiest way.

The way I phrased it was pretty bad, but I was tired, so I stuck the bit at the end on instead of something proper and went to bed. No need for the wankerisms.
I wish I could tell whether you're serious or not.

Hold me.
Actually, I genuinely did not know what it was.

But now my questions are answered!


I've had quite a bit of that joke :P Plus I also gave it to someone who got in there (he isn't going though, got into Oxford).

Also, I can be a grouchy bastard on occassion. No, I really can. Seriously.
I wish I could tell whether you're serious or not.

Hold me.
I'm just being silly. You're going to a strange place on your own and look to HL2.net to buy you a pint.

Well, this is the real world and you must buy ME a pint. :p
I'm just being silly. You're going to a strange place on your own and look to HL2.net to buy you a pint.

Well, this is the real world and you must buy ME a pint. :p

How much is a pint in Edinburgh actually?