he's al casino and he's ready for killing.


Nov 8, 2003
Reaction score

paper n' pencil.
pretty good, although the gun's perspective is a bit off and the face needs work ..but overall some nice work

tip for drawing: choose your media well ..pencil is best with gradiant tones (shading), ink is good for flat tones or monochromatic colours ...in other words you could ahve done the drawing in ink to get the same effect (dark with spare light areas, with no in between)
i know, i've been doing this thing my whole life - and i hate drawing from photos, they always come out the worst, but this was a quick one, took about 2 hours... the face and gun sort of bother me but I didn't grid this and I just wanted to get it done because I'm doing a whole series of these for my wall.

cpt, i didn't want to use ink because I want the finer bits of shading like on the face.... and when i say paper and pencil, i mean three kinds of charcoal pencils, two ebony pencils, and a bit of white conte on toned paper.

edit: i figured out that the gun is right and the magazine is wrong... i'll have to go over that when i get home.
Wow! That is really good. Very nice detail in your art work.
Not bad, just one of the hands looks a little weird.