Hey, check this out. Tiny "PNA" life forms, practically living nanomachines...

They are like nanomachines...the future is now?

dun dun DUN!
definately worrying... :/

dammit im scared... now im gonna check my pillow with a magnifying glass every 10 minutes, rather than 20 ;(
Awesome. I've always had a huge interest in nanotechnology.
I think its good. This could end a lot of diseases.
Like the nerd I am, I always start thinking about the Borg when stuff like this comes up :E
Awesome. That's the reason why I want to become a nanotechnologist. There's so much we can do with technology like that
SHIPPI said:
Awesome. That's the reason why I want to become a nanotechnologist. There's so much we can do with technology like that

so we can clone about 50,000 SHIPPI's so we can have more girls playing MP? :E

The real question is can they be used to give me the almighty power of the sea?
Am I the only one who associates nanotech with immortality? Seriously. This is badass stuff. I'm going to freaking live forever. Sucks to be born earlier.
They can program them for survailence and watch me dar wank! OH NOES!
I swear to god If those scientists are restrained by bible bashers or self appointed moral guardians I will go on a murderous Vigilante spree leaving no one but those with common sense alive.

This could be one of the most important discoveries of our time,and if it is held back by pointless ethics or feeble personal worries there will be hell to pay.
Voodoo_Chile said:
I swear to god If those scientists are restrained by bible bashers or self appointed moral guardians I will go on a murderous Vigilante spree leaving no one but those with common sense alive.

This could be one of the most important discoveries of our time,and if it is held back by pointless ethics or feeble personal worries there will be hell to pay.
Someone had to say it, and I'm sad you beat me to it ;( If I were the project leader, I'd tell all the other scientists to "f*** ethics, keep working!"

As long as this isn't the first of only a few steps towards a real-life version of Prey (Michael Crichton) :P
Dr. Freeman said:
so we can clone about 50,000 SHIPPI's so we can have more girls playing MP? :E

:laugh: :laugh: "We are the SHIPPI. Resistance is futile."

Voodoo_Chile said:
I swear to god If those scientists are restrained by bible bashers or self appointed moral guardians I will go on a murderous Vigilante spree leaving no one but those with common sense alive.

This could be one of the most important discoveries of our time,and if it is held back by pointless ethics or feeble personal worries there will be hell to pay.

Gah, I know. It's the same with cloning. No one can see that the long term benifits will outweigh the initial suffering of a few. Jeez. There are a few things which should always have the freedom to try what they like, and science is one of them. Unfortunately, most people don't think that