Hey Subway... have a taste of my Footlong!


I Hate Custom Titles
Sep 13, 2003
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Subway is attempting to counter the ability for places to use the term footlong when selling or advertising sandwiches and hotdogs.

Seriously... trademarking "footlong".


Blair Hensley always thought of the 1963 menu on the wall of his Coney Island Drive Inn as nothing more than a curiosity.

Now it might become legal evidence, especially the item called a "footlong'' that proves Coney Island was using this term 47 years ago.

"You are hereby put on notice to cease and desist from using FOOTLONG in association with sandwiches. You must immediately remove all references to FOOTLONG in association with sandwiches,'' a lawyer for the company wrote in a letter that Hensley received Thursday.

The letter goes on to say that the Subway chain has applied to the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office for the exclusive right to use the term for its large-sized subs.

Hensley, 31, who bought the now 50-year-old restaurant in 2006, said his first reaction when he opened the letter was, "Are you kidding me?''

I hope subway gets a footlong verdict up their collective asses. **** you subway. I'm on the side of the other businesses. This kind of trademark bullshit pisses me off.

Still, if Hensley ignores Subway's letter, he could end up in federal court fighting a wealthy corporation, said Frijouf. "Sometimes it comes down to a business decision.''

Hensley hasn't decided what to do yet. But even consulting a lawyer will quickly consume the profits from Hensley's, um, most lengthy hotdogs, which sell for $2.40, with chili.

"This is going to cost me a lot of footlongs,'' Hensley said.

"It's corporate America trying to put it to the little man,'' Steele said.

True, but I get the feeling Coney Island will be fine.

He has a strong case... I say he goes through with it. I hope this ends up as a publicity shit storm for Subway.
Haha, I agree with you Raziaar; That's f*ckin' stupid.
Well **** makes me not wanna eat there anymore...but the only other sandwich place here is is so expensive :-\
Welp, I guess MY PENIS should expect a subpoena any day now.

Edit: Heheh, poena.
There should be fines for attempting to do such ridiculous things.

Speaking of which, has anyone tried the new Subway breakfast? I haven't yet, but it doesn't look all that appealing to me.
I don't even eat Breakfast, so I was curious if someone else has had it yet also. I can't see it being TERRIBLE, but....why not just go somewhere that has been doing breakfast successfully for years?
I don't even eat Breakfast, so I was curious if someone else has had it yet also. I can't see it being TERRIBLE, but....why not just go somewhere that has been doing breakfast successfully for years?

Dunkin Donuts bitchess.

-oh and McGriddles Bitches
I guess the porn industry knew about this so they didnt used the word
what the **** do you call a foot-long hotdog...a 12-incher?

****ing stupid.
This is almost as bullshit as all the touchscreen crap Apple patented.
I think this earns a lifetime boycott of Subway. **** them. Microwaved meats anyway. ****ing disgusting; I nearly puked after eating.
Isn't this something that's impossible to trademark anyway? Unless I'm mistaken and US courts grant retroactive copyright... which is just about the dumbest thing in the world, especially if it's 40 years retroactive -_-

Somebody should shoot these people in their dicks.