Hey to all...


May 31, 2006
Reaction score
Ok so... i'm not at all new to gaming, but i just recently bought Half-Life 2 Game of the Year addition, which came with HL2, HL2:DM, HL2: Lost Coast, HL:1 Source, and all the other games and suff... I new Half life 2 was a great game, but i just didn't know how great till i finally played it... I was actually surprised my computer could run it on high, it made the expirience so amazingly good, that i was imersed in a world of a totalitarian regime. I had so much fun going through the game i just HAD to learn more! That's when i found this site! I was actually busy looking for a spray to put on Counter-Strike Source when i found it.

I actually blew through the game on normal in about 13 hours, so now i'm playing it on hard, and MAAAANNN is i even more fun... Who knows how many times i've died lol!

another note: I also pla a good nuimber of other online multiplayer games such as
Battlefield 2 (which i'm in a clan),
Empire at War,
Battle foe Middle-Earth,
Counter Strike Source,
Half-Life 2 Deathmatch,
Battlefield 1942,
Battlefield Vietnam,
Rainbow Six 3: Raven Shield,
Medeival Total War,
Age of Empires 2,
Kal Online,
Rose Online,
Guild Wars,
and Rise of Nations.
I hope i'm welcomed to the forum, and if anybody wants to play any of those games with me sometime, hit me up on xfire: ackron77
'lo. Sounds like you'll fit in here- we've got a TON of BF2 players, for one thing (myself included :D). So yeah, welcome!

Also, ignore the crazy raving in the n00b threads. Some people have too much time on their hands :p