Hi-Fi Murders

Jul 17, 2003
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Just read the story of this, never heard of it before.

It's made me despise the NAACP even more than I had before.


The so-called Hi-Fi Murders was an infamous criminal case involving murder, rape and robbery which occurred in the Hi-Fi Shop in Ogden, Utah on April 22, 1974.

WARNING: Owing to the significantly grisly nature of the crimes described, the contents of this article may be disturbing to some readers.
Ok, who the **** would want to have their(the two guys who killed them) sentences reduced to life?

I started reading, but I didnt wanna finish. Used to live in Utah, this makes me stick. Heard a few things about it. I believe my dad did the trial (he's a court reporter).
It's sick, yeah. But that's no reason to hate the NAACP. It's just a reason to hate the bastards who committed the crimes.
JNightshade said:
It's sick, yeah. But that's no reason to hate the NAACP. It's just a reason to hate the bastards who committed the crimes.
The NAACP as an organization has done a lot of stupid shit to be looked down upon, not just related to this.

15357 said:
Then if they were white, there wouldn't have been any fight for them?
Correct, but there shouldn't have been in the first place. The NAACP shouldn't have even been involved at all. Either way it's just a sickening story and after reading I felt compelled to share with hl2.net.
It's disgusting, true, but I still don't think it warrants an execution. If you ask me, no one is so far gone that they might as well die. Those men were obviously EXTREMELY disturbed- intensive treatment, lifelong stays at a correctional facility, and extreme vigilance would've done them much more good than just getting offed, if you ask me.

And yes, it's extremely shitty to stand up for someone just because they're a certain color. If the NAACP weren't going for something I agree with here, I'd probably feel much more strongly against them. Nonetheless, they've done good things, and even something like this isn't a good excuse to hate them, if you ask me.
No one wants (edit: wanted) them back in society. 'Correctional Facility' isn't appropriate when they cannot be corrected or simply don't deserve it, they got what they deserved. There's nothing left to hate because they're gone.

And the NAACP didn't oppose their execution because of reservations about capital punishment, they opposed it because the guys were black. Made it a racial issue where one didn't exist.
First off, I didn't say that the NAACP opposed it because of reservations about capital punishment. I said part of the reason I don't feel so angry towards the NAACP is that they were fighting for what I consider a just cause (saving lives) even if their reason for doing so was completely dispicable.

Also, they shouldn't have to die just because "no one" (and I'll ignore that sweeping generalization for now) wants them back in society. Furthermore, if you think justice is merely a polite term for revenge, I think you need to sit down and think things through.
that is just ****ing sick
I would like them to get a taste of their own medicine, but thats would be way to sick.

Euch, good about that warning
I'm only against the death penalty for these kind of criminals when forced labor is the alternative.

In that way, they can finally pay back for their harms by working their asses off til they get too old.
JNightshade said:
It's disgusting, true, but I still don't think it warrants an execution. If you ask me, no one is so far gone that they might as well die. Those men were obviously EXTREMELY disturbed- intensive treatment, lifelong stays at a correctional facility, and extreme vigilance would've done them much more good than just getting offed, if you ask me.

These people deserve the worst punishment our government can give them for their crimes. I mean, look at the horrific shit they did. They deserve to suffer immensely, then die.

If I was able to, i'd order them having to slowly sip drano until they died. I see no reason to treat these people as victims of their own demented minds, to be treated and released back into society. They're evil to the core.

Selby and Andrews became notoriously hated prisoners, even amongst the black population. They were particularly reviled on death row, especially by Gary Gilmore (also facing capital punishment and imprisoned at the same facility), whose final words to his fellow inmates before being taken to face the firing squad were, "I'll see you in Hell, Pierre and Andrews!" Gilmore is reported to have laughed at Selby and Andrews as he passed by their cells.

Even the wicked, found these two awful. A suiting afterlife punishment would be for that Gary Gilmore fellow to forcibly rape the two fellows in hell, every orifice of their body with drano as a lubricant...

Nostrils, eye sockets, mouth, ears, anus, urethra... every orifice.
Rakurai its the white mans fault..it always will be .The excuses we keep hearing form a large part of the black community will always be the same.Instead of motevating "black leaders" poor oil in2 the fire by saying things like the Judicial system is racist blablabla the wihite devil is keeping us down blabla . Just this morning I saw a meeting or something along those lines....rly rly funny :P