
Hello and Welcome!

*courtesy of Erestheux*
Yes, hello, hello. I sort of forgot this forum and started spamming in the other forums.

Ecthe|ioN said:
Hi :) You are quite a spammer I see. 60 posts/day. :laugh:

Yeah, I post a lot. :bounce:
Duh duh duh duh duh durrrrrrr dunoopoomoo duh duh moopoo duhhh................ durrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.... I eat buttons!!!!
The_Great_Walter said:
The cheese to the left means yes.

My father is a swimming pool.

Yes! Only you're wrong about the cheese, though. He went paragliding and fell in too deep of a pile of wasted q-tips where he discovered the cure for AIDs and declared himself Jesus Christ.
Yo, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, I smell the blood of a penguin. "Hear, hear", shouted the yellow man in green suspenders, standing by the fungused airplane.

Yarg, yarg, yarg, blaggle waggle blargity blarg..... Hi.
HIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!! HELLO!!!!!! ........

Hey you, out there in the cold, getting lonely, getting old, can you feel me?
I have a bone.... and I like to surf on it. When the oceans dry up, I rocket to Venus with my jetpack and float on margaritas with the native species. After that we watch Martha Stewart bust some moves in the kitchen on TV.
Hi... These are very unwelcoming forums. I expected more warmth from such lovely people. I shant be attending the tea party tonight, for I have been too naughty to deserve such a luxury.
Hi, hi, hi, hi, HIIIIIII. Welcome to my personal spam thread. Someone greet me!