Hidden Hotfix


The Freeman
Jul 3, 2003
Reaction score
Okay, so the first release of Hidden: Source Beta 2 didn't go as well as planned. No worries; the team, through the ingestion of unholy quantities of caffeine and of course some good hard elbow grease, have released an update which should fix most of the bugs.
  • Fixed several server crashes, tested stable under extreme conditions for several hours
  • Removed the self illumination from the IRIS Torso to stop the water aura effect
  • Flipped the values of mp_friendlyfire so they're more "standard"
  • The tutorial levels now automatically set sv_lan to 1
  • Changed the pistol sound effects
  • Reworked multiple maps, removing excess entities to help server stability.

[br]Not only that, but if you visit the site's media section you can read some very nicely written dossiers on the I.R.I.S. player characters (if you're interested in that sort of thing).[br]</br>Good news for everybody then! You can download the hotfix here or from their website.[br]Happy hunting!
i just got the update and i'm still getting a launcher DLL error whenever i try to start the game. anyone have any ideas as to what i should do?
That link for the download is down, looks like they have exceeded their monthly bandwidth limit.
You missed the "n" on Hidden in the first sentence, and you forgot the second bracket. :P
The new version is very stable and lots of fun.
Now we need experienced hidden players to pin the bodies ;)
Meh, the more I play the more I notice how sloppy the game is, ive pig stuck people more times and not killed them than it has actually worked. Either the servers suck or the whole lag compensation is ruining the game.
Sloppy seems a bit harsh. The pig sticker failing is a hitcode detection problem. It is present in ALL online games but because Hidden is entirely melee-based you notice it much more. If you were to play CSS or HL2DM with just a melee weapons you would get a similar problem...
anyone else getting the DLL problem i described? the game used to load, but after i got the 2nd beta i keep getting the error.
CookieCuttah said:
Meh, the more I play the more I notice how sloppy the game is, ive pig stuck people more times and not killed them than it has actually worked. Either the servers suck or the whole lag compensation is ruining the game.
Then by all means fix it yourself and show it to them so that they can solve the problem...if you can.
Valve, in their oh so obvious wisdom (!!??!....?) dont let us mess with things like that ;) The net code is wrapped up and protected from modders.
Javert said:
Then by all means fix it yourself and show it to them so that they can solve the problem...if you can.

I am expressing an opinion and my own distaste, and I do understand that it is a major problem in all valve games.
Though thanks for the faith in me, I am already on trying to learn programming, so maybe we'll see it from me in a few years. :cheers:
Monkwarrior said:
Now we need experienced hidden players to pin the bodies ;)
One name : BlackAlpha

If he's Hidden, cower in a corner and slash your wrists.
this dll problem is affecting all of my 3rd party mods i guess. i just tried dystopia and it wouldnt load. i thought that steam fix the other day was supposed to fix that.