Hidden : Source - New Trailer for forecoming Betas 3 Release.


Aug 20, 2005
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Hidden : Source - New Trailer for forthcoming Betas 3 Release.

Thats right folks, this weekend "should" see beta3 out the door in preperation for the IGF. Be good boys and give it a peek :)

Below is the news posts from music master Kochun on www.hidden-source.com:
In anticipation of the inevitable Beta 3 release this weekend, we've put together a new trailer video (with a custom soundtrack) that introduces the Hidden story for our newer players as well as showing some glimpses of the new map, HDN_Origin, that will be released along with Beta 3. In addition, the new vocal sounds you hear in this video are directly from Beta 3. Note: The Hidden willbe able to taunt IRIS as he does in the video, and all the radio vocals by the IRIS are in the game as well.

Here they are:

High Res Video (WMV) 30MB
Medium Res Video (WMV) 15MB
Low Res Flash-based video (only if you can't play WMV 9 videos)

In addition, North American players who get the Computer Gaming World magazine may have seen us featured on pages 86 and 87 of the March issue. Scans of this article are here (page 1, page 2). If you saw us in that article and are visiting us for the first time, drop us a comment down below or in the forums -- and stick around for beta 3!

To read more behind-the-scene about the video, read this post on the forums.
I am pleased to tell you thats we have tried within our time constraints to to bring you as much never before seen content as possible. Textures were the big area that was concentrated on and you will find very little from Valve (and certainly not any other developer) in Hidden:Source - in fact ill go so far as to say that hdn_origin (the map featured most in that trailer) is 100% textured by The Hidden Devs.

In closing, ask yourself this. Could it possibly be that more than one mod has a class-A texture artist? I think you know what the answer is! :D
that was freakin awesome i dident like hidden source that much but ill give it a downlod next time i get a chance.

hdn_origin looks like a doom 3 level :P
As one of the first release players, I am liking how far along you've guys have come. Awesome work, and awesome concept. Maybe it could be a bit more... "badass" but I guess all things come in time. Will definitely get the next version, day of.
I dunno, having worked with the NS textures quite a bit I definitely recognise the textures at 0'01"30 and 0'01"45 as 'sourced' recreations of certain textures seen in Natural Selection's ns2.wad. The rest of the textures are completely original AFAIK, and the mapping looks decent, but I was just wondering where the aforementioned texures came from.
omg amazing video. can't wait for the beta 3.....

gz Luc
-Crispy- said:
The rest of the textures are completely original AFAIK, and the mapping looks decent, but I was just wondering where the aforementioned texures came from.

Wonder no more, the textures came from us - they are not ripped out of NS, I know this because I saw them being created along with the rest of our textures. At least accusing us of stealing another mods texture is more original than saying they're from Doom 3...

It's called the futuristic style, panels look like panels look like panels look like doors...
Ya. Oftentimes textures will look alike, because they are trying to portray the same thing...
Guys, i'm really damn impressed.. this mod appears to be turning out to be god damn fantastic. keep the great job up and don't be too late on the release of beta 3 :P
well its going to have to be this weekend as we are off to thE IGF on monday and you boys have to be playing on servers so we can show it off online at the expo!
ofc :D There are judges to impress
/dances with CookieCuttah
Have the textures been released for community mappers?
not as far as im aware. although they are shipping with the mod so, usage with credit is open