High Res Battlefield Trailers (2 of them)

Jesus H Christ, the explosive trailer is fantastic!

There is one bit I hadn't seen before, all I'll say is it involves someone going prone, awesome :D
Eat your heart out my precious 2mb DSL connection! Eat your heart out! Download like you've never dow... oh, fileplanet.

*Grabs mag while waiting in line*
I've seen these before but they are very nice at high rez!!
/watches video again
Anyone got any mirror where you do not have to register?
I'm still ignoring this game as my personal blowoff to EA.

Soo... teempting!
I would say to miss out the 'ground combat' video unless you want to see fighting from a players perspective, it's not as exciting (as thus more likely to reflect real combat in the game) as the explosive one.
Someone please explain what kind of idiot you have to be at encoding videos when you get the "Ground Combat" trailer to be so huge yet so ugly in detail.

Not to mention that it kind of ruined my perspective on gameplay.
Agree with the above post...

That really... really.. wasnt worth my download time.... :(

Can't actually be bothered to get the second one.

The game looks fantastic still though. Just I didnt need that extra inch of screen taken up to prove it...