High res shots + Movies [2nd edition]



TO ADMIN : Sry for double post but the 15min is expired ..., admin plz update my other post or simply delete it

Hi, I just found this on a french websites. SS are in 1280 1024 and have AA and AF on ! :D

There are also some videos. The movies are in Divx, they are high quality but looks like the guy lagged a bit when capturing the first and second one. I honestly think those are the best quality movies around but they dont show the gameplay.

ORIGINAL SITE : http://www.cs-top10.net/index.php?file=Sections&op=article&artid=17&p=8

http://www.elc-team.com/drtool/Screenshots CS : Source Top10/

Movie 1 (22.6 Mb)
- Bomb planting
- CT skin movement
- Bomb explosion

http://ftp.outsize.org/aaa/top10/Cs Source - 1.avi

Movie 2 (72.5 Mb)
- Deagle
- Death with physics
- 3 grenades
- M4A1

http://ftp.outsize.org/aaa/top10/Cs Source - 2.avi

Movie 3 (62.5 Mb)
- Shows de_dust
- Interactivity with objects
- Sound variating in function of your location
- New things to the map

http://ftp.outsize.org/aaa/top10/Cs Source - 3.avi

lol, just registered today to share what I had found :cheese:
Today is July of 2003? Hehe. Incredible screenshots. Great find. :thumbs:
Nah I meant here, but I just remembered that I used the "forgot password" thing this morning, lol.
I had registered in july because HL2 was supposed to get out soon, lol ...
Nice, i have one question tho. In the one CS:S video (not the ones above) they show the scope veiw of the AWP fireing, and theres no apparent recoil. Is this the way it is in the beta?

PS-its the first video released i think, de_aztec.
why would someone give you ram lol? Buy it, prices are pretty good right now. Bought an extra 512 mb 3200 DDR a few weeks ago for 120$ Canadian (around 75-85$ US)
If anyone want me to translate the most important parts of the review, I might give it a go tomorrow ... :)
TheButcher said:
Nah I meant here, but I just remembered that I used the "forgot password" thing this morning, lol.
I had registered in july because HL2 was supposed to get out soon, lol ...

I stand corrected. :) Sit would probably be a better word though.
TheButcher said:
According to the review, the videos and screenshots were taken from a
P4 2,6Ghz
9800 PRO

That's a great news for me who has 3ghz + 9800 pro and 1gig of ram !

Omg now thats what i want to hear!

P4 3.4 Ghz
2gig of Kingston 3200 ddr
9800xt :bounce: :thumbs: :bounce: :thumbs: :bounce: :thumbs:
He@t! said:
Omg now thats what i want to hear!

P4 3.4 Ghz
2gig of Kingston 3200 ddr
9800xt :bounce: :thumbs: :bounce: :thumbs: :bounce: :thumbs:

LoL man,nice comp,btw u need 3 gigs of ram and 9900 XT :smoking: , because your comp is kinda too old to handle CS:S and HL2,sorry m8. :naughty:
They also talk about how it ran.
They talk about framerates:


Texture Model et Detail Model : Haut
Entre 40 et 70 FPS (respectivement avec et sans autres joueurs autour)

Texture Model et Detail Model : Moyen
Entre 50 et 90 FPS (respectivement avec et sans autres joueurs autour)

Texture Model et Detail Model : Bas
Entre 60 et 100 FPS (respectivement avec et sans autres joueurs autour)


Texture Model et Detail Model : Haut
Entre 50 et 70 FPS (respectivement avec et sans autres joueurs autour)

Texture Model et Detail Model : Moyen
Entre 80 et 100 FPS (respectivement avec et sans autres joueurs autour)

Texture Model et Detail Model : Bas
Entre 80 et 100 FPS (respectivement avec et sans autres joueurs autour)


Texture Model et Detail Model : Haut
Entre 50 et 80 FPS (respectivement avec et sans autres joueurs autour)

Texture Model et Detail Model : Moyen
Entre 50 et 90 FPS (respectivement avec et sans autres joueurs autour)

Texture Model et Detail Model : Bas
Entre 60 et 90 FPS (respectivement avec et sans autres joueurs autour)

Haut means : high
Moyen means: Middle or medium
Bas means: Low
Entre means: Between
et means: and
(respectivement avec et sans autres joueurs autour) means: respectively, with and without other players around
CS S will be great, it will run very smooth on most 1year old computers but I dont know about lower-end computers. I dont know if you guys checked the 4th movies (the one I posted in reply in this post), but the guy seems to be able to do like 4 jumps in a row at 1:05 ...
cenmocay said:
first 3 movies are extrem laggy :x

Remember, any movie recorded with FRAPS, or poorly encoded will be laggy.
Most times, it is not a true representation of the actual FPS people get.

So, let's start flaming CODECs and FRAPS!! :thumbs:
Yeah, these movies unline others were taken with all settings to high quality, so thats why they are a bit more laggy than others. It's normal to have lag when fraps is taking screenshots every 1/30 of a second lol.
These screenshots lack the specular reflections that you can normally see on the ground tiles as you run through the tunnels :S
These screenshots lack the specular reflections that you can normally see on the ground tiles as you run through the tunnels :S

Ya I noticed it too, must be a bug because in the article they said they turned on everything. But honestly as long as there is bumpmaping, I'm a happy man ;)
Nah I was playing on a TI4200 and seriously, it might not have being anti-aliased or have any ansio, but the textures looked cleaner and more crisp than that (specially the ground and the floortiles inside the tunnels) - in those screenshots they look really blurry and odd. WHen I was playing it, they looked awesome.

I am guessing it is a bug, I just hope it's not a common problem. I want this thing to be run on full detail with full AA/AF as soon as I get it, with no random blurry glitches :)
Is it just me or does the movies run on very low fps? What codecs do you need to view these movies?
Anyone notice that in the second video, when he kills the guy with a knife. The guys gun and the C4 goes flying off.

The wierd thing, the gun goes flying for well over 20 yards. That a bug?

Another thing, in video 3, when he shoots the barrels near ct spawn, it rolls right through the smaller cylindrical objects. The bucket then goes through another object. It just sort of morphs through real objects.
I've seen the game - and those screens don't do justice to it.

The screens have blurry textures and no speculars or bump-mapping (the tile texture seems bland).

which settings did you choose? Medium?
Ye i saw that too.Guy stands next to the tunnel,he gets hit,his weapon is flying off and something else,for me it looked like his helmet felt down from his head,but am not sure,maybe it was a granade or smtg.
valve have stated that the physics in cs:s will be different to hl2's physics. they will be less realistic, im not sure of the reason they gave, but i think it was something along the lines of making it more fun (well cs has never been about the realism anyway).

the barrel goes over the smaller objects because the physics for the barrel are handled server-side whereas the physics for the smaller objects are handled client-side. this reduces network traffic, but means that they wont interact. it doesnt really affect the game much though, but saves alot of traffic.
adrenaline2k4 said:
Is it just me or does the movies run on very low fps? What codecs do you need to view these movies?

I think the encoding was screwed up for the first two videos. My newest version of Divx tells me there is an error trying to play it back. However the third video plays fine in Divx, I had to use WMP for the first two.
TheButcher said:
According to the review, the videos and screenshots were taken from a
P4 2,6Ghz
9800 PRO

That's a great news for me who has 3ghz + 9800 pro and 1gig of ram !

Another great movie, 133mb, shows all guns + bomb + nades but no gameplay. http://www.cs-view.com/videos/?cat=7&id=1228#

I got the same setup except a 2.8 athlon and 1GB of good Kingston memory, hope i get some good graphics.
well if you dont get good graphics with a machine of that spec, then who will!