Highway 17 bridge forcefields


Mar 6, 2005
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I am at the point in Highway 17 where there is a train track coming out of a tunnel onto a bridge and forcefields block it in both places. I went inside the bridge and diasbled the force field in the room withthe guards by smashing it with a chair and my grav gun. The helicopter also did not come out to shoot at me. Did I miss something or do something wrong?? Any help will be appreciated.
You're supposed to work your way under the bridge to the other side, dissable the forcefield (can't remember if its a switch or a plug you have to pull out with the grav gun) then work you're way back to the other side to get your car and then drive over the top of the bridge.
I think you are suppose to go to this room where there is an unlimited supply of rockets.
You're not supposed to bash it with a chair... there is a switch that you press to deactivate it. That's when the gunship attacks.
Langolier said:
You're not supposed to bash it with a chair... there is a switch that you press to deactivate it. That's when the gunship attacks.

That's it. It's pretty simple really - but here's what I did:

Before I took the 'plug' out, I went back to the middle of the bridge a few times, taking back a rocket with my grav gun each time so that I could kill the gunship in the 'forcefield office'.
I am just coming up to this bit now in my second Half-Life 2 'run' (I'm getting across the bridge). I have tried putting rockets in a wash basin/bath (from settlement next to bridge) then picking it up normally / holding it with grav gun, but neither works because the rockets just fly out every time you jump, turn, crouch etc. :frown:
Hmm, noone mentioned that in the forcefield room under the bridge you not only have to disable the forcefield there, you also have to bress a button there to disable the forcefield on the bridge. When u press the button the gunship arrives.
InstInct1085 said:
Hmm, noone mentioned that in the forcefield room under the bridge you not only have to disable the forcefield there, you also have to bress a button there to disable the forcefield on the bridge. When u press the button the gunship arrives.

Take a look at this post (just 5 posts up from here):

Langolier said:
You're not supposed to bash it with a chair... there is a switch that you press to deactivate it. That's when the gunship attacks.
a hint for when you get back up on the bridge:

SHIFT is turbo.
Since nobody really posted a complete answer I'll do it. When you get to the office, theres a forcefield with 2 combine behind it. Kill the Combine obviously, then use the grav gun to pull out the plug and disable the force field. (That simply disables the force field inside that room, and thats it.) You now have access to the computer with the switch that will turn off the forcefield on the bridge above. Then the gunship comes. Go back halfway across the bridge to rocket container. Kill the gunship and then head back to the old house on the ridge where you parked the car. The way across the bridge should now be clear. ;)
get some object and shoot into it while its on the ground and jump at the same time, youll leap into the air ;)
ha I just tossed a nade into he room killed the combine inside and blew the plug out of the socket