Hilary Clinton: advertisers want to implant computer chips in your kid's brain


May 5, 2004
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nydailynews said:
Saying advertisers have found so many new ways to get at kids through video games and the Internet, Clinton warned that we're verging on a society out of a grim science fiction novel.

"At the rate that technology is advancing, people will be implanting chips in our children to advertise directly into their brains and tell them what kind of products to buy," Clinton said at the Kaiser Family Foundation.




edit: while looking for pics of a baby borg I found this site http://www.aikarin.com/mlp/customs/borg.html < - wtf??????
Without the consent of the parents? If it was with, then the supposed future is horrifyingly sick and cruel. If it was without, sounds like kidnapping.
As liberal as I like to think of myself as, I detest Hilary Clinton sometimes..
As liberal as I like to think of myself as, I detest Hilary Clinton sometimes..

Me and many other people would agree with you. This is why nobody will elect Hilary. Fearmongering is one of the most underhanded political tools, and its basically all she's been doing. She's got the blood of a Senator alright.