Hillbilly & Redneck.


I Hate Custom Titles
Sep 13, 2003
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Kind of a silly topic, but I just wanted to make this thread to point out to forum members who are not very knowledgeable on the difference between these two groups.

Hillbilly and Redneck are not interchangeable terms. When I hear people calling others Hillbillies I roll my eyes, when in fact they should be called redneck, it makes me roll my eyes.

A Hillbilly is a mountain person. Someone who lives relatively secluded from modern society. Notable characteristics are a disdain for government involvement irregardless of ruling party, mostly because they have a history of development of illegal liquor called moonshine, and also growth and consumption of marijuana. Education is usually nonexistent from a modern point of view.

Rednecks are individuals who usually occupy the rural regions of the country, particularly the south. Not usually in the mountains. Notable characteristics are a support for conservative government, generally intolerant behavior when it comes to people and ideas that are different than theirs. In comparison to Hillbillies, Rednecks drink a lot of alcohol but do not usually make their own... rednecks are also very adamantly against drugs, taking the stance of opinion that the government has. Education can very from very sophisticated to non existent. These are the people who flock to Nascar events and make up the majority of the republican party.

I know this post is formed poorly, but I just don't want to see people using these two terms interchangeably anymore.
Preach it. We have hicks where I live too, which are a close relative of the redneck (same genus, different species).
Actually most Republicans are of the wealthier stock IIRC. Democratic party is for the workers.
Actually most Republicans are of the wealthier stock IIRC. Democratic party is for the workers.

Not true... many republicans are middle class individuals lured by the republicans. Many poor too.
you left out white trash as well. its totally differnt from hillbilys and rednecks.
Tr0n's a redneck and he likes drugs.

I thought it was more a cultural label than a descriptor of political opinion.
Tr0n's a redneck and he likes drugs.

I thought it was more a cultural label than a descriptor of political opinion.

Well... we all know that descriptions cannot completely encompass everyone within a group. There are many people who aren't completely wrapped up within a definition.

I'd classify Tr0n as a Redneck Hippy if anything... <cackles>
I thought that this distinction was fairly well-known, and I don't even live in the United States.

I keep hearing the term Hillbilly being thrown around nonchalantly.
hillbilly is worse than redneck ..however they're often interchangeable in that they're both used as an insult ...I dont know anyone who would want to labeled either ..well except Tron, he's proud of his red neck
that actually was pretty useful data! thanks


And stern... I don't consider hillbilly to be worse than redneck. If I were to be called one of the two of them, I think I'd prefer to be called hillbilly... as I don't associate hillbillies as being stereotypically racist or intolerant of customs that might be strange to themselves as we have with rednecks. The most offense I would take being called a hillbilly is that my accuser thinks of me as being backwards in other less serious ways...

I mean seriously... hillbillies keep to themselves, away from modern society as much as possible... doing the illegal stuff they like to do such as making moonshine and growing marijuana. The rednecks are the ones you seem to hate... mucking up one whole side of the political spectrum, preaching intolerance and hate and encouraging society to be uniformest.

But... that's just my opinion.

And stern... I don't consider hillbilly to be worse than redneck. If I were to be called one of the two of them, I think I'd prefer to be called hillbilly... as I don't associate hillbillies as being stereotypically racist or intolerant of customs that might be strange to themselves as we have with rednecks.

they marry their sisters, eat roadkill, rape tourists on canoe trips

redeck racism seems tame in comparison ..and they are racist, they hate everyone except their kin (proven by the predilection to ask tourists to squeal like a pig while getting better aquainte, at least with their backsides)

The most offense I would take being called a hillbilly is that my accuser thinks of me as being backwards in other less serious ways...

I mean seriously... hillbillies keep to themselves, away from modern society as much as possible... doing the illegal stuff they like to do such as making moonshine and growing marijuana. The rednecks are the ones you seem to hate... mucking up one whole side of the political spectrum, preaching intolerance and hate and encouraging society to be uniformest.

ya but hillybillys marry their sisters, rednecks only marry their cousins
ya but hillybillys marry their sisters, rednecks only marry their cousins

Do you have proof that they are so selective?

And what the hell at your other comments.
all this time and you still cant tell when I'm being sarcastic/tongue in cheek?

as if there's really a stat giving numbers as to who marries their cousin or sister ..last i heard the government doesnt give out marriage licesces to blood relatives

oh and you should watch Deliverance ..some of what I said might make sense ...SUIII!!
+1 to OP, I live in the South and this is very true.
Cool, I knew what a redneck is, but not a hillbilly.

I wanna be a hillbilly when I grow up!