Hip Games Signs Tom Savini for City of the Dead

Interesting, but no more smiley links :(
God damnit Joule, I don't know whether to hate or love you.
I have low hopes...
The developer made Warhammer 40k : Firewarrior, and that sucked total ass.
Maybe they can redeem themselves with this...
Aww :( Those graphics suck ass. Why can't it be developed for PC then ported to consoles? Look how well it worked for Doom 3 and (soon to be) HL2. The concepts gave me so much hope of a stupendous looking game. Ah well.... aslong as the gameplay is good. But hell...taht doesn't even look like a Romero movie :(
hmm.. wasn't there a zombie mod doing the rounds ages back showing these very same concepts as their own?

Oh yeah.. and if thats what an XBox game looks like, im glad I don't have one. Agreed with Reginald. shoulda done it on the PC.