HiT-SQUAD: Skinned Mini Uzi


Aug 4, 2003
Reaction score
Here's the latest from our new texture artist:


Sorry for the size, but I wanted it to load fast.

For the large shot look here: http://www.hit-squad.net/weapons/miniuzi_skinned.jpg
Skinned by AndreW3D? Cool. You also feel like killing him sometimes? Or maybe that's just me, but I sure did when he was on the EoD team :cheese:
ye very nice. I don't like the gun my self. But its skinned well and looks well modelled.
Oh , Andrew3d ....A great texture artist ...=) ..good to see that he inst lost .... =) Its a great skin , really crisp ... Whats the resolution of it 1024 or ..??
shit dawdler u should a told me bout andrew i could a recruited him *bumps his head on wall* nice work anywho nice texture.
Thanks for the comments, I'll be sure to pass them along. The skin is at 1024 x 1024.
1024 x 1024?

That's quite a waste for that amount of detail... or maybe I'm just not seeing something in those pictures.
I agree, that skin is definitely not using a 1024 to its full potential. It's an average looking skin, but it's workable. I don't really have much else to say since I'm not an experienced texture artist, but I can point out a few things that stand out to me. The first thing I noticed was the highlighting, it's very strong and overdone. It looks like it was done with the dodge tool at a high opacity. The other thing that I don't like is the base texture. It looks messy and grainy, and doesn't look much like gun metal. That isn't to say that it's bad, I just think it needs some more work.

How about posting the flat? Maybe we'll be able to see the texture itself a little better.