Hiya fella's




My name is peter van der pol, from the netherlands. I just love this site with all its info 'bout Halflife 2 and i just love it!

Im going to make my first posts here on the web!

bye all cya on forum :bounce:

Enjoy! :cheers:

Grtz me
Welcome. Welcome to Halflife2.net. You have chosen, or been chosen, to relocate to one of the finest Half-Life 2 forums. I thought so much of Halflife2.net that I elected to establish my online presence here, on the servers so thoughtfully provided by our benefactors. I have been proud to call Halflife2.net my home. So, whether you are here to stay or passing through on your way to parts unknown... Welcome to Halflife2.net. It's safer here.
Hey mate :)
If you remember that Feath rhymes with teeth you'll be alright ;)
Hello and Welcome!

(try to avoid the unsavvy characters such as above ;))
Welcome mate! I'm new here myself so I don't want to talk shit about all the people that posted above :p
hehe thnx m8's! Im really gonna like this forum as long i got time