hl and hl2 past, future? ALSO GUYS ABOUT THE.....


Aug 1, 2003
Reaction score
hi i was just wondering if half life 1 and 2 was set in the future or past i mean from our time.

ok forget about the black mesa and flying vehicle we see, cause that is from black mesa.

but i am on about earth past? future? hmmm.

also come on guys when the next movie comes out lets not complain about... "look somethin dissapeared MUST POST"
"is that....abit of the gun in his body!! POST"

i mean plz all remember that the bink vid is jus a higher quality vid from the 600mb vid that was out SO LONG AGO! like months.

and they have so done SO MUCH MORE to HL2 from then!
HL2 has to be the future really. That weird combine baracade etc. not to mention the manipulator :p

HL1 I think that was suppost to be set in like todays time but in a secret location type thingie. But i dunno tbh. It could be in the future i spose. Someone else might know more than me. :)
oh and at one point valve said they would release the next movie when all the excitement had gone from the previous. (they said this about a previous movie not about the up comeing one. Dont get excited please :p)
so if you keep calm about the movies more will come. Then we get to watch the new ones no one has seen yet :D
Originally posted by marksmanHL2 :)
HL2 has to be the future really. That weird combine baracade etc. not to mention the manipulator :p
And all the weapons/enemies in HL was so realistic? :)

HL was in the present (then)... HL2 is some years after HL, but question is if that doesnt land us just about here, hehe.
Originally posted by commando
also come on guys when the next movie comes out lets not complain about... "look somethin dissapeared MUST POST"
"is that....abit of the gun in his body!! POST"
Unfortunately these kinds of sensible pleas are to no avail. If you take away people's right to nit-pick, what will they DO!? Probably keel over and die. Or implode.

I agree with marksman - the HL universe pretty much has to be set in the future... All the weaponary and vehicles are modern-day and actually HL was set in this decade (the letter for his employment was dated "May 5, 200-" in the manual.
What made you wonder otherwise?

yea i was thinkin about future or past, cause like the lab can be set somewhere secret, who knows the manipulator can be made in some lab that we don't know man won't be hard, get a magnet, or like some gun with alot of pressure, click a button and the pressure pushes it away fast.

so errrm i would say i lil bit into the future cause the suit. and guns.


but HMMM
I suppose it's set near the present with just secret/alien technology.

Also they add stuff just to make the game fun, i mean the manipulator, pure genius:cheers:
yea true man. who knows.
suppose somethin to talk about when u nitpick
i would say has to be near future. They were still using modern day weapons but it looks like they were on the stage of the next leap in technology with the experimental weapons and of course teleporting.
yea tru tru tru.

good thinking guys.

man i would love to play around with manipulator. i have this really good sp level i am goin to make, BUT

i am goin to start off by jus making a big room with only use of manipulator, with lots of objects and rings up high to aim at LOL. so fun
You would have to have a load of people just standing there to use as target pratice too!
OOO nice thought.

man i am so gonna play around with the map editor.

goosebumps thinking about it. i have a sp level that will blow u all away. *that is if the map editor is easy to use*
alot are saying that i made the best custom SP level out for MOHAA *called HONOUR 3 level campain surprise ending.*


go there to get it if u have mohaa it is called HONOUR. one with 10/10 and highest downloads.
alot are saying in many sites it will well be best sp level for mohaa custom wise. :) me happy.

so when hl2 comes out MAN the graphics, gameplay will be gr8 fro mapping