HL Moments


Oct 26, 2004
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Remember that moment in Half Life Blue Shift where the train is going too fast and it smashes into some exploding barrels just missing a guard who dives out of the way?

What are your cool moments you remember from the Half-Life Series?

If they could do stuff like this then, imagine what they'll do in HL2! (see pic)


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A lot of cool stuff. You can create your own "freakingly cool" moments too, more than you could in HL1.
Somewhere in hl a headcrab jumped out and scared me.
In the beginning of Halflife, where the elevator falls down with those scientists screaming, one of them said "Hello Gordon".
How many other people heard that?! :p
The script where the scientist is locked in a room with two headcrabs. He pushes a file cabinet on to one of them and then cheers, but then the second one jumps on his head from behind.
"Gordon Freeman in the flesh.. Or rather in the hazard suit, i took the liberty of releaving you of your weapons. Most of them were, government property. As for the suit, i think you've earned it..." and so on
mayfer said:
"Gordon Freeman in the flesh.. Or rather in the hazard suit, i took the liberty of releaving you of your weapons. Most of them were, government property. As for the suit, i think you've earned it..." and so on

Trying so desperatly to save that scientist at the beginning - just outside the main complex - (he's standing on the broken bridge - no matter how careful you are he always falls.)

Kinda prepared you for the bloodshed that was too follow
The cliff face in Surface Tension was pretty damn sweet the first time I say it. :)
hi_ted said:
The script where the scientist is locked in a room with two headcrabs. He pushes a file cabinet on to one of them and then cheers, but then the second one jumps on his head from behind.

I remember no-clipping in there to try and save him :rolleyes:
1) The train ride in the beginning (just amazing for that time!)

2) Gman talking to the scientist

3) A scientist falling of a ladder

4) A Barney security guard saying in the beginning to you: 'hey I'll buy you a beer' :)

5) Cliff face in Surface Tension was like said herebefore amazing :)

Alot of nice moments
I have so many, but I'll leave some for others.

I really enjoyed climbing through the vent shafts (for the hundredth time), hearing marines below me shout "What's that noise?", seeing them fill the tunnel in front of me full of bullets, and shafts of light spout up from the end coming towards me, until eventually the whole vent shaft would collapse and I'd fall below, right into the middle of a harrowing firefight.

Good times. Let's only hope HL2 can bring us more of them.
My favorite moment in half life 2 is where you is in that chamber hwere the walls is moving closer...and closer...and closer.
ummno said:
Somewhere in hl a headcrab jumped out and scared me.

Just one time? Damn I hated those headcrabs in all those vents. Mad me almost doop my pants. =)
When I, in "Office Complex" collected three security guard for zombie hunting. They had some nice conversations. "This you hear that?" "No." They also put up with pretty good cover fire.
the opening train ride. looking back on it now, it captured the essence of HL
coolest moment for me was the ability to call down an airstrike while being hunted by that big monster (4got the name)
i did replay that part a few times cuz it was fun
man... there were too many of them!

like... when you find the scientist in the start standing on the bridge, and the bridge falls down... you hear him splat, and you hear a bullsquid growl... then you're all WTF???

how about when that one scientist is being pulled into the vent shaft while the other one tries to save him? and the zombie wins, and the next thing you hear is a scream and guts fly out of the shaft and splashes all over the other scientist :p

there are too many man... GOOD TIMES!
How about the scientist who is fighting with a headcrab while the door is closed and you can only look ( its in the beginning ). He throws something on the headcrab, and he thinks he has won but then another headcrab shows up in his back :DD
no one mentioned the first time you see a helicopter ?

for shaaaaaame