HL Movie

HL movie.....that would rule. So long as they did it justice and it was taken on by a good film maker. They could turn it into an amzing film. Imagine seeinng a Garg done in real CGI.
Originally posted by righte0us
an HL movie would totally suck.

Why is that?
is it because of the B-Movie plot? Or is it because it wouldnt do it justice?

To be honest i really do think that if done correctly it would work out perfectly....however it could turn out really crappy.
actually i dont care if it turns out crap does that really matter i think it would be cool if it came out , but im sure they would add a few extra characters in which would make it stupid
I think it would suck because seeing it as a film would highlight the general dodgyness of the storyline, because while it's a great game, it's not a hugely original story. Also, if the film sucked, I think it would slightly ruin the storyline, well it would for me anyway.
The storyline was never what made it great, rather the execution of the storyline. I think a movie could pull the same thing off if done correctly. Then again they likely wouldn't. And so help me God I'll kill them if they add a hot female scientist to the plot as a love interest. (The decay scientists are fine, as long as they aren't tagging along while being stereotypical and aren't Gordan's girlfriend or anything.)