HL:S isn't what I was expecting.



I was expecting the whole thing to be updated with graphics and everything. I was mistaken apparently as all it is, is HL1 w/ some snazzier shader effects and that's about it.

The models and everything all look exactly the same nothing has changed.

Good thing I pre-loaded instead of goin to get the CE DVD today, or else I would have felt cheated.
They've been saying all along what HL:S was going to be. I bet some modders out there will make some updated textures for us though.
troll ... troll ... go troll somewhere else
i don't like to be an apologist, but this has been common knowledge for some time. we'll have to wait for the inevitible mods to make something interesting out of it.
I'm not whining. I don't know what gave you ******s that notion, but I was just stating that I was surprised that it wasn't a complete revamp. I'm sorry if I ruined your piss on everyone who's disappointed party, but that's not where I was going.

If anything, you're the trolls.

For anyone who didn't whine, thanks for that. I was just confused. I honestly had no idea that's what it was. Sorry for the misconstruency in info.

But really, take your whining about assumed whining and shove it please.
Still glad we have the back catalog though, 'cause I'd definitely replay those games when I'm sure to have the time.
Yeah its the same graphics and all. It just has the source engine.