HL1: Source w/ Hi-res Blood, Nice.


Jul 10, 2006
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I thought if theres a way to get Fakefactorys Cinematic mod's Hi-Res Textures in HL: Source.....well I tried it Even though The Hi res models and most of the Metal, Wood, tile, brick textures didnt work, But I was able to get Fake's Hi-res blood in HL1: Source Which is great, but I wish I was able to get the wood, tile, Metal, and some of the decals.

I really wish there was a way to get FakeFactorys work in HL:S
Well, if you looked in the GCF files, and then named the files accordingly, they might work. But the textures are probably the wrong size, so I wouldn't count on this idea too much.

Use GCFScape to read the GCF files (Steam has to be closed in order to view them). Then, just put the files in the correct folder (materials/models and materials/textures I think, check which folder the mod has when you unpack it) and rename them according to the GCF files. Make sure you put the textures in the correct folders as according to the ones in the GCF files, and you might have a chance.
Its a crazy Idea but it might work, I will try it.

Im doing this because I just cant wait that long for BM:S, so im going to re-invent HL:S myself, with of course with Fake's skins and textures.

EDIT: Right now Im uploading HL2's materials folder to my desktop, then Im going to overwrite it with FakeFactorys & Oggs Cinematic mod's Materials folder, then Re-name it to what it says of HL:S in GCF scape. Then im going to put it in Half-Life: Source/HL1/materials