HL1 VS HL2, do you think HL1 will be better?


Aug 11, 2003
Reaction score
Personally, i think half-life is the greatest single player shooter, no, greatest single player game I've played, enough said, but I'm wondering if half-life 2 will faithfully restore the atmosphere the original half-life offered while still blending in new technologies and such, I mean from the video clips, screenshots, and previews, it looks cool and really fun, but will it be as revolutionary as the original? Something tells me I'm gonna like the first one better, and well that's gonna suck. :(
I don't know when I first played the half-life uplink demo I was simply amazed and knew half-life would win GOTY. I'm skeptical if valve can really restore and bring more and advance from the masterpeice they offered at the end of 1998. :(
HL1 was more intense 'cause of the serious indoor action. Walking around in the BMRF after the incident was, in one word, awesome . It simply kept you focused and gave a feeling of something waiting for you behind the next corner. You would walk there keeping an eye on the passage in front of you, when a headcrab suddenly jumped out of the air vent you just passed, making one of those headcrab sounds. That's what made HL so great. At least in my own opinion.

HL2 seems to involve more outdoor combat and adventures. I think that'll stop the game from causing the same "Wow! Where did that thing come from!" feelings as HL1 did.

But that's just something I've thought of after watching the HL2 movies. Maybe there will be more hallways and intense action in it after all. Maybe Valve and Vivendi have decided to keep those gameplay clips unpublished and surprise us. Who knows...
I agree, but I thought half-life 1's outdoor environments were also great with the smart gov soldiers and helicopters coming for you, and the part where you climb out of the pipe and are at the edge of a huge canyon looking down seeing a jet pass by with marines below you and automated turrets was simply breathtaking. Xen was wierd, unique, and pretty cool. I just have to say that valve has created masterpeice that truly blew me away. I didn't just feel I was playing a sci-fi movie when I was playing half-life. I felt so immersed I felt I was there in real life, especially since there were no cut-scenes, all the scripted events and scenes that unfoled the story were in-gameplay. And the expansion packs are great too, especially opposing force, totally awesome, IMO. Blue-Shift is ok, but is cool since you get opfor free and the half-life hd pack. IMO, half-life's story was nothing special, more ripped off from doom with some additions, but how well it was executed is why half-life was so groundbreaking IMO. Still, it's the most intense single player game I've played today. Half-Life 2 looks fun, don't get me wrong, but it just doesn't look as breathtaking and revolutionary as the original was. It may be better in multiplayer, but half-life 2 seems to be more of an outdoor adventure type game, where gordon has to save the world, it's not as realistic in terms of location and story IMO than it was in the original. There's also something that bothers me from the videos. The marines don't even take cover, they just stand and shoot you. They don't appear to be nearly as smart as the original. And if what the hacker said about the hl2 beta is true, well, valve is not nearly finished with hl2, even though the evolutionary source engine technology is probably finished by now. So, until half-life 2 comes out, I don't think any game has a chance of knocking half-life as the best single player game in my kingdom! :cheese:
Actually, HL1 is one of them few games that made me get that WOW feeling, that was when I walked the clifs in the mid-game and looked out on the sky, and it was (I thought then) so good blended, so I felt that it was so far down, and I was really afraid that I would fall. There are only two more games that made me feel like that, and they are not even far as good overall. (Hmm, I bought HL when it first came here in sweden, I didnt know what it was really, I was just after a new game to play, so i just picked that, and that must have been one of the best decisions I ever have made ;)) I really hope VALVe will make us justice and make an even better game (HL2), or atleast as good as. HL was a given GOTY when it came, but after reading gamespys review of Max Payne 2, I cant belive that they would give HL2 the right score...

(how the hell could you give a crap game like MP2 5/5!!!?? I mean, its not by far that good, it was worth like 3/5, maybe HL2 gets like 4/5 and then there is something really wrong in the industries of Gamespy)
I really hope VALVE will create a sequel to one of the greatest and most successfull game of all time that holds its own and advances from the original half-life in every way. If only VALVE released a demo so we may be able to predict if that's true...
Historical :rolleyes:, VALVe never released a demo until full game was in stores...
Im pretty sure there will be a HL2 demo, but as with Uplink, im sure it will come after HL2. I could be wrong though.
Gabe stated that he thinks HL2 is a far better game than HL1 was, but it's been 5 years since HL so the bar is raised quite a bit. So I don't know whether it will be just as a shock as HL1 was in gaming land, but it will certainly be better.
(how the hell could you give a crap game like MP2 5/5!!!?? I mean, its not by far that good, it was worth like 3/5, maybe HL2 gets like 4/5 and then there is something really wrong in the industries of Gamespy)

I have to say that I really liked MP2. It is one of the greatest games I've ever played. I've had it for a couple of days now and I'm playing it through for the third time now. I'm probably going to play through it at least 3 more times before I get even a bit bored of it. It might be short, but hell is it funny and it looks so ******* great.

The game physics are awesome, almost anything you shoot will react realisticly, the story is totally different from what I'm used to see in a computer game but in an extremely good way, the graphics are astonishing and what about that Bullet-time, huh? It's simply flawless and perfect.

Of course the time needed to play through the game is kinda short. But I do prefer a short intense action-filled game to a longer version with pointless running around in a big city wasting some mobsters and maybe even some unlucky civilians (does that ring any bells to you? :) )

edit: on topic, HL1 will still own all games when HL2 comes out :cheese:
Originally posted by SlimReaper

I have to say that I really liked MP2. It is one of the greatest games I've ever played. I've had it for a couple of days now and I'm playing it through for the third time now. I'm probably going to play through it at least 3 more times before I get even a bit bored of it. It might be short, but hell is it funny and it looks so ******* great.

The game physics are awesome, almost anything you shoot will react realisticly, the story is totally different from what I'm used to see in a computer game but in an extremely good way, the graphics are astonishing and what about that Bullet-time, huh? It's simply flawless and perfect.

Of course the time needed to play through the game is kinda short. But I do prefer a short intense action-filled game to a longer version with pointless running around in a big city wasting some mobsters and maybe even some unlucky civilians (does that ring any bells to you? :) )

edit: on topic, HL1 will still own all games when HL2 comes out :cheese:

Oft: Ok, well, alot of my friends say its the best they played ever, but I thought it were tremendous monotone and boring :) Also the physics is Havok, the same that will be in HL2, as im sure all of you know.
Originally posted by PvtRyan
but it will certainly be better.
How can you say it will be better as a fact? Sure IYO it might be as you see it, but other people may think half-life 1 as a much greater game. :rolleyes:
Plain and simple? I don't wanna sound rude, but in my own opinion...

NO :)
Originally posted by Wester547
How can you say it will be better as a fact? Sure IYO it might be as you see it, but other people may think half-life 1 as a much greater game. :rolleyes:

Like I said, HL1 was a great game for it's time and I don't know if HL2 is gonna surpass that shock that HL1 brought into the gaming world. But if you put the two together and forget the 5 year difference between them, HL2 will almost be certainly better (otherwise Valve has been doing something really really wrong).
It's like saying Doom is a better game than Doom 3, but really if you compare the two, Doom 3 easily outclasses Doom in any way, it's just that Doom was a much larger revolution in gaming than Doom 3 will be. So HL2 will be better, but HL1, I think, still had a bigger impact than HL2 will have.
For me HL1 was, and probably still is, my favorite game of all time. It was a "wow" game for sure. To top it would be very very hard to do. The thing to keep in mind is HL2 will be following HL1...it won't be as original and there probably won't be as many sheer "wow" elements because we now expect them.

Just the fact that we all expect so much from HL2 based on our HL1 experience probably means it won't be able to reach that high.

Although I sure do hope it's at least close to the original.
Originally posted by PvtRyan
Like I said, HL1 was a great game for it's time and I don't know if HL2 is gonna surpass that shock that HL1 brought into the gaming world. But if you put the two together and forget the 5 year difference between them, HL2 will almost be certainly better (otherwise Valve has been doing something really really wrong).
It's like saying Doom is a better game than Doom 3, but really if you compare the two, Doom 3 easily outclasses Doom in any way, it's just that Doom was a much larger revolution in gaming than Doom 3 will be. So HL2 will be better, but HL1, I think, still had a bigger impact than HL2 will have.

That is true, if HL and HL2 will be compared side by side, HL2 should easily win, else there is something wrong. Maybe you could say that the storry is better in HL(1), then you must say that the graphics, sound, interaction, multiplayer etc etc is much better in HL2.
A game that once was great game, shall never be greater than the sequel in anything but maybe the storry and charm, if so, the seuqel sucks. Like with NOLF and NOLF2, NOLF2 is better in every other aspect, but might feel a little to fast and one might feel that NOLF(1) was funnier.
Half-Life two will need to pull a lot of new surprises ... wait. This is ending up just like Matrix: Reloaded versus The Matrix. Gah. Just because one thing was revolutionary and the second was 'more of the same' does not mean the second sucks. The second expands upon the ideas and concepts introduced in the first. Half-Life 2 will give us that expansion, yet we will some similar things. A little nostalgia is never bad. Half-Life 2 will surprise a lot of people I'm sure. There are bound to be good plot twists and a good story. Just save up your excitement.
If they do a demo, I hope they do it in the same way they did uplink in that it will demonstrate the aspects of the game, but not actually be any of the actual game levels. I still think that was one of the best demos ever made, and the fact that it wasn't a few game levels thrown together made it more so. Recently I caved in and bought CoD and enjoyable as it is, I'm a tad annoyed that the demo levels actually turn out to be amongst the best the game has to offer.
I think that if they just made HL1 with HL2's graphics and physics, i'd buy it straight away.
I liked the black mesa environments a lot. I hope they can replicate that general vibe in the interiors of HL2, like the prison level with the laundromat and such.
Originally posted by Wester547
There's also something that bothers me from the videos. The marines don't even take cover, they just stand and shoot you. They don't appear to be nearly as smart as the original.

The AI combat in those videos is scripted. If you pay close attention, the enemies only shoot at a certain part of the wall, or at a certain spot or whatever. They did this to show off the different effects in a reliable manner(for the videos). In a real situation the enemies would fire at YOU, and not through a window at the wall above you, or throught the curtains to show a ripply effect. Beleive me, the actual AI in HL2 will be staggering. (provided you play it on a high enough difficulty)
Originally posted by Mechagodzilla
I think that if they just made HL1 with HL2's graphics and physics, i'd buy it straight away.
I liked the black mesa environments a lot. I hope they can replicate that general vibe in the interiors of HL2, like the prison level with the laundromat and such.

Right from the start when I heard about HL2 the very same thing came to mind. It would be absolute genius if Valve used the Half-Life 2 engine and re-created all three stories from the original game. Maybe not so much marketing genius as much as common sense. If they don't it's almost a certainty that someone will and it will be an instant success. (Remember Star Wars?)

Who here plays Flashpoint, Battlefield or Planetside? I play all three but what am I doing today, Saturday, my only day off? Playing through HL1 for the 20th time I'm sure and still loving it. I’m going to play through all three…again…and I suspect I’m not the only one out there that does this. I love the warm fuzzy feeling I get walking through the familiar décor of Black Mesa…just clicking new game this morning with coffee beside me and watching the opening tram sequence made the day start off right.

On the downside as has been mentioned before…there is a gut feeling many people have that HL2 won’t deliver and fill the need for most of us to return to Black Mesa. As with most good things…they end.

How many things in life are absolute certainties? I loved this game and I wish to go on loving this game. Making these sequel games is always a marketing risk but I think there would be zero risk involved in re-releasing HL1 as HL2 at some point. I would certainly be beating down the door to get it on my machine and I’m hoping there are skilled like-minded people out there that have the ability to see such a project through. It’s obvious the HL2 engine is a masterpiece waiting to happen and HL1 was and still is a masterpiece. It would be a travesty if this premise wasn’t seen through by either Valve or a talented outside group.
Originally posted by Wester547
The marines don't even take cover, they just stand and shoot you. They don't appear to be nearly as smart as the original.

Maybe, but having seen the videos I diagree. The AI may not be fully implemented but firstly, did you notice on the Barricade demo the soldier firing off a flare? They didn't do that in HL1. Secondly, did you see the scientist AI in the same video? They kept there backs to the walls, ran for cover when you had cleared the area etc. Didn't look that bad to me? I'm optimistic, and reckon that HL2 will be better. If they have the same developers at Valve as they did in HL1, they should in theory have learnt a lot from HL1 and can now implement more in HL2.
We'll see about the AI issues. Half-Life, Opposing Force, and Blue Shift all in one with the Source Engine and a variety of extra additions, improvements and more all built-in-one-game with an easy to use editor with a slick sleek interface would be awesome. What do you guys think? :bounce: