I get a blue screen and after a couple of seconds the pc reboots. The first time this bug happened was when I tried to run HL2 in a window. The second time I was playing full-screen and it happened on the point where you get past the trains and enter a building on 'Red Letter Day'.
Have enybody else had this problem?
I suspect it might be a RAM-related problem.
Any other suggestions?
I set the heapsize to 100000 in steam.
My specs are:
AmD Athlon 1800+
256 Mb RAM
ATI Radeon 9800 Pro.
Windows XP
I get a blue screen and after a couple of seconds the pc reboots. The first time this bug happened was when I tried to run HL2 in a window. The second time I was playing full-screen and it happened on the point where you get past the trains and enter a building on 'Red Letter Day'.
Have enybody else had this problem?
I suspect it might be a RAM-related problem.
Any other suggestions?
I set the heapsize to 100000 in steam.
My specs are:
AmD Athlon 1800+
256 Mb RAM
ATI Radeon 9800 Pro.
Windows XP