HL2-Deathmatch, Level map-pack missing textures error.


Energy Engine

Hi to all!

This is my first posting here, so if I'm doing anything wrong, please let me know.

Now, as for my problem, here goes.

I have HL2-DM installed on my comp. The patch for it has also been installed. Everything works fine. But after a while, I was beginning to get tired of the same levels, so I downloaded the HL2-DM Map-pack. The map-pack I'm talking about, is the one with the levels dm_agora, dm_depot, dm_forsaken, dm_motel, dm_abyss and etc.

Now the problem is that once I've extracted the files into the relavent folder, and when I startup HL2-DM, create a server with one of the mappack's level, and once it loads, most of the textures of the level I see are purple-pinkish and black checkboards, wire-frames and large crimson 3d-font "ERROR" signs floating about the level.

Here are 2 examples:


dm_agora, gone completely cosmic.


dm_depot, looks like the error supply train just stationed.

.I am not using Steam to run HL2-DM, I just have the installer and the HL2DM patch.
.I only play in LAN.

I've heard some places that this is due to the program not finding these ".wad" files? I don't see any WAD files anywhere. Also, the directory in which HL2-DM's original maps are in (the hl2mp folder in the HL2-DM directory), the maps being dm_lockdown, dm_overwatch, dm_steamlabs etc, the new maps have the same 2 files. For example, if dm_overwatch has 2 files, then a map of the mappack, say dm_abyss, also has 2 files. So what exactly am I missing?

If someone could help me out here, I'd really appreciate it, as I really want to play these new maps.

Thanks for the help.
You have to buy the game. :| (As in, buy it off steam for $10 and use steam to play)
I'm pretty sure this topic will be closed because you're playing the game illegally (not via Steam).
Some maps have custom textures added to the map that you do not have on your pc that only the map maker added for download on his server via a plugin, it has nothing to do with not having bought hl2dm sometimes. Some maps were not made for hl2dm and therefore are missing some textures.