HL2 do not buy!!


Oct 23, 2004
Reaction score
According to TIME. Halflife 2 is 3rd in the top ten list of games not to buy children or teenagers for summer! It is too violent for the average human and provokes people to act aggressively in real life therefore it should be banned.

Who listens to these tree hugging hippies anways? :naughty:

I just thought it was my duty to alert everyone.
Damn... this people should be hanged. Well, I think HL2 isn't too violent to be banned.
So? There is still a good reason why everyone should buy it, because it is the best PC game of all time.
Honestly............. how many people here have ever committed an illegal act, whilst under the influence of HL2?
That is exactly what i said. But a researcher conducted that with enough prolonged exposure to these sorts of games and someone will snap and go on a chainsaw rampage through a crowded street.

(the researcher didn't say a chainsaw massacre as such but that's what he was trying to say.)
I hit my brother over the head with a crowbar once after playing HL1, does that count?:p*Just kidding*
Yeah, because we all know that fighting for freedom and using self defense against an aggressive attacker that wants to enslave you is bad.

Yer, and remember that time i used my grav gun to pick up my computer screen and threw it at my dad....


p.s. I dont really damn HL2, i love it!! :D

Research its all in how you read it.

Yeah its true, if you play a violent game you are more likely to be more agresive, less compasionate, and more violente, but gues what, if you play tenise, soccer, basket ball or do anything that raises your heart beat, your exactly going to be as likely to be violent, and aggressive.

I hate when people talk shit and dont include all the facts (not you guys, the articles),,,, just to argue their point, its sickening.... How about considereing parenting as a cause of violence, if dady beats momy, it doesint matter what the video game teaches....
Bullshit. I'm tired of these articles. And I'm sorry for the poor people who wrote them too. :(
I don't have any arms or legs left, as I was playing Rayman the other day and i thought hell, i want floating limbs too. So you know, i tried, but it didn't work :(

Ban rayman, its too dangerous. :|

Ok, stupid comparison, but it gets the point across.

Its quite frankly ridiculous to think people can blame thier actions on a videogame, its the person, who is responsible for thier actions, even if they say they were "influenced". I could just as easily take influence on something from the news.
Obviously those who wrote these type of articles never played any games before. Poor bastards :p
Il be already dead when Games are accepted as a form of art thats gonna be in 100 years or so
and i am sure alot of HL fans are avid Time magazine reader :rolleyes:
but anyway i doubt this will have any affect on future sales of the game.. i mean if Time magazine was all that worried about violence, perhaps they should be targeting GTA:SA before HL2 eh? :p
the people most likely to do anything from a game in real life of a violent sort are people who already have a lot of screws loose.

i have played games (violent and non violent) my whole life and i am infact a person who in real life only uses violence for self defence.

i do think though that parents need to follow more closely the rating on games their kids buy and decide for themselves if its appropreate for the child in question. Also i believe that stores should more strictly check the ages of those who buy.
even without it working against everyone it may stop some children who don't have older brothers or parents who will buy it for them and cheat the rating.
God bless time magazines....and whoever wrote that crappy article :p We're comin' for ya!!! :D
Hmm parents shouldn't buy HL2 for their children? Interesting. MAYBE THAT'S WHY THERE'S A HUGE 18+ OR M ON THE BOX!!! Maybe, just maybe, parents should take their head out of their asses, and NOT CONSIDER BUYING mature rated games for KIDS in the first place! "Hey Joe, you shouldn't buy that 18+ game for little 8-year old Billy", no f*cking shit! Why state the obvious Time? Stupid twats.

(not directed at topicstarted if it seems like that)
It's true! Ever since I got HL2 I've been going around and killing people with sawblades, using alternate fire on my pulse rifle and sprinting form cover to cover so the helicopters don't get me! HL2 is pretty accurate, the people really do dissolve form the pulse rifle. The only thing annoying me in real life is that I can't save... Anyone got a patch for that?
The argument that computer games make people violant has always cracked me up. To think some fu**er gets paid to do this research. Some people will always look for a scape goat for societies problems & shortcomings. If video games can influence people to comit violant acts then so can books, Newspapers, TV/Films, Unjust wars in foriegn countries etc, etc, etc....
PvtRyan said:
Hmm parents shouldn't buy HL2 for their children? Interesting. MAYBE THAT'S WHY THERE'S A HUGE 18+ OR M ON THE BOX!!! Maybe, just maybe, parents should take their head out of their asses, and NOT CONSIDER BUYING mature rated games for KIDS in the first place! "Hey Joe, you shouldn't buy that 18+ game for little 8-year old Billy", no f*cking shit! Why state the obvious Time? Stupid twats.

(not directed at topicstarted if it seems like that)

yeah...its too bad parents seem to ignore these things and buy whatever game for their kids...GTA:SA is a perfect example.
theres a 9 year old kid on my street who has this game..certainly the store wouldn't have sold it to him..i asked and he happily replied "my mom"
yeah...apparently "mom" has a few loose screws if she thinks that game is right for her kid.

/me sighs
Actually, some eggheads who do the research played GTA. Meh! :p Hell, even the guys at Pixar/Disney played GTA!!! :sniper:
I don't know why everyone insists on getting on video games because the violence supposedly provokes violent behavior, even though the statistics show no such thing. Did it even say anything other, more violent games?
People should be responsible for their own actions, rather than finding a scapegoat like games, movies, etc.
That's what I hate about this society "Oh it's obviously not my fault! I couldn't accept the responsibility. I'm too weak minded, and easily influenced"

It's a game rated 15. If you allow your children below 15 to play it, that is your problem and responsibility, not the company whos makes/distributes the game. If you judge your children to be responsible enough to play it, you should accept full responsibility if it turns out they were not mature enough to play it, after all it was your call, and you ignored the advice/law of age requirements.

If you are 15 or over, you should be able to play it without being influenced, if you are a right minded person with no frailties of mental illness, and be able to realise it's an entertainment medium, it's not real. It's fun.

People should be more accountable for their actions over age requirements.
Parents being held accountable what their children see, hear, and play? What kind of wacky-tobaccy are you smoking, Kirovman? Everyone knows it's the job of game-makers to make all their products kid-friendly!

Seriously, this reminds me of a story I once read on the Gamespy forums. This mother bought Diablo 2 for her fourteen-year-old son, when the game was CLEARLY rated mature. Well, when the kid got to Andariel (is that her name? The boss with her breasts exposed), he was caught masturbating to it. The mother went onto the Diablo forums and started bitching about how games shouldn't have inappropriate content, and her son was doing something sinful, blah blah blah...

When people raised the issue that the game was rated mature, she was like, "Well I didn't care, I bought it because children should be taught to raise their swords against the devil."

Parents, especially American parents, are absolute f*cking morons when it comes to what their kids are exposed to.
Darkside55 said:
Parents being held accountable what their children see, hear, and play? What kind of wacky-tobaccy are you smoking, Kirovman? Everyone knows it's the job of game-makers to make all their products kid-friendly!

Seriously, this reminds me of a story I once read on the Gamespy forums. This mother bought Diablo 2 for her fourteen-year-old son, when the game was CLEARLY rated mature. Well, when the kid got to Andariel (is that her name? The boss with her breasts exposed), he was caught masturbating to it. The mother went onto the Diablo forums and started bitching about how games shouldn't have inappropriate content, and her son was doing something sinful, blah blah blah...

When people raised the issue that the game was rated mature, she was like, "Well I didn't care, I bought it because children should be taught to raise their swords against the devil."

Parents, especially American parents, are absolute f*cking morons when it comes to what their kids are exposed to.

Totally fake.
Don't you just wish it was? Maybe you don't have crazy religious zealots in New Zealand, my friend, but they are in absolute abundance here.

I'm not actually sure if you're saying my story's fake or that woman who posted that is fake, but I'm telling you, this shit happens all the time. Why do you think American parents get all uppity when they feel their children's morals have been compromised? Janet Jackson wardrobe malfunction incident, anyone?

And if you're saying that the story I posted is a falsity...what reason would I have to concoct such a tale? I could've just left my post with the sarcasm and have been done with it. You're wholly welcome to look up the post in Planet Diablo's archives yourself, if you don't believe me.

If you weren't referring to me, but about that lady, then count yourself very lucky that you have never seen or heard of such people, my friend. If you were referring to me, I will call you an asshat and tell you good day, sir.

There are statistics to support any theory 74% of people know that! LOL! ;)
I am actually under 15 and I got my dad to buy it for me. He was pretty doubtful at first but I just had to persuade him that I am perfectly mentally stable and am not likely to try and find some zombies to cut up with sawblades after a prolonged seesion of gameplay.
Stupid conservative christians trying to push their religion on others.

Doom 3 taught me destroying demons from Hell goes against Christianity, from now on i shall only shoot people. :D

Seriously though there's a 'Christian games review' site (not the particularily rubbish ones that get 50-60 percent knocked off their score for any examples of bad Christianity, Zelda : TWW got 47% because it contained 'pagan temples', BLASPHEMY!)

The gave Doom 3 something like 23% percent because you shoot demons etc.

Then they gave a ridiculously high score to a 5 year old, Christian made game where you... shoot demons. Plus it was crap.
Zeus: How Ironic of you to say that. ((Not going to explain, you get it or you don't))

As for games. Hey, kids can see all the damn porn and killing they want on TV. But as soon as someone is dieng in a game, it's baaaaaaaad.
SHIPPI said:
Pfft, what a load of crap. I've played games for as long as I can remember (Doom, X-Wing, Dark Forces, Command and Conquer.. I know I played those when I was ickle) and I'm the least violent person I know :p I wouldn't hurt a fly, never mind going on a killing spree with a crowbar..

All that violence you expell during paintball matches has nothing to do with it what-so-ever ;) hehehe
This is a debate that could rage for quite a while.

But the truth of the matter is that people aren't getting up in arms because they actually think anyone's morals have been compromised, they do it because it's the popular thing to bitch about now.

Either way, the story does sound fake.

Also, people are quick to blame the messenger. Time did not decide that hl2 is too violent. They reported that a parenting group decided that it was. In addition to many many other groups that did.

And they are correct. The game is very violent and realistic and should not be sold to children without parental permission.
RabidJester said:
This is a debate that could rage for quite a while.
Debate? So far everyones opinion on here is the same...

Only the mentally disturbed children of bad parents will be victims of violent video games.

You bunch of conserned parents, stop trying to fight this hopeless battle, and worry about more important things.