Hl2: Dropship Down

My mod/story idea is:

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Oct 2, 2004
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red by that "HL2: Alt-fire" thread to think up another expansion pack type mod. I haven't finished Half-Life two yet, so if i mess up on some details, forgive me. Hope you don't get turned off by the length, because I think I thought up something pretty cool here:


Chapter One: When Disaster Strikes

The mod opens in a cutscene where a big combine transport is rolling at high speeds down a road in the middle of a rocky desert area filled with canyons, natural bridges, etc. The combine transport should look something like a huge, high-tech, armored van. The road is lined with those combine structures that seem to pump the ground to keep antlions away (I'll just call them anlion warding pumps for now).

The camera enters the front of the transport where all the combine soldiers are. One of them is at a console and tells his commander, "Sir, I'm getting a big reading ahead, I think we should slow down". The commander leans forward to get a better view out the front window and begins to say, "I don't see any-"


The road in front of the transport expodes, making a huge dust cloud. Several of the ant lion warding pumps come flying out of the dust, one smacks the roof of the transport, causing some of the combine soldiers to lose their balance. Everyone holds their breath, and the dust clears, revealing one of those gigantic xen tenticle things from the orginal Half-Life coming out of a big mound of dirt in the ground.

"SHIT! Back up! Back up!", the commander screams at the driver of the transport. The transport goes into reverse as the tenticle's head starts tearing up the road along with more of the anlion warding pumps. The commander starts screaming into a walkie-talkie for backup from the citidel. To manuver out of the way of the tenticle's smashing beak, the combine driver accidentally smashes the back of the transport into one of the antlion warding pumps lining the road. "Sir, were stuck!", yells the driver. "REQUESTING IMMEDIATE SUPPORT AND EVAC!", cries the frantic commander into his walkie-talkie.

The tenticle rears its head, preparing for the final strike that would sever even the transport's thick armor. Before the tenticle's beak can smash the transport, the huge behemoth starts to convulse and scream. It lets out a death wail and then collapses on the ground, sending out a tremor.

The commander, bewildered, says to one of the soldiers "Go check on the prisoners." The soldier turns around and goes through an automaticly sliding door to the back of the transport. The door seals shut behind the soldier.

An immense vibration coarses through the ground and then stops, leaving everything quiet. "What was that?" asks the combine commander rhetorically. "I'm detecting antlions sir...shit, there's hundreds of them!" The driver scans his eyes along the road. "That thing knocked out all the pumps..."

A colossal head bursts out of the mound created by the now-fallen tenticle, severering the dead body of it in two, creating a shower of green, alien blood. The ant lion alpha guard (a huge "boss" version of an ant lion) finally bursts through the top of the mound, followed by four, much smaller, regular ant lion guards and an army of normal ant lions.

"33-7A, I want you on top manning the main turret! You four, break out the mobiles!", says the commander pointing to four soldiers. "33-9B, get in the prisoner holding area with 33-2B, if anything happens to those captives, Breen will have our heads. Everyone else, arm yourselves, we're in for a fight."

The camera zooms out to a top down view, revealing the scope of the battle. Wave after wave of Ant lions swarm out of the mound consisting of broken parts of the street and buzz around the mammoth alpha guard. Sounds of choppers and engines are heard coming from the distance. The cutscene ends and the screen goes black.

The pod holding you captive springs open. A combine soldier roughly grabs you and pulls you out and then walks down the wide aisle onto the next pod. If you look around you can see another soldier doing the same, pulling other people out of pods saying things like "Comon, lets go!" Outside the walls of the transport, you can hear the muffled sounds of an intense battle. An automatic sliding door opens on one end of the aisle, which is lined with pods. The combine commander steps out. Before the sliding door closes, you can see the front window of the transport behind the commander for a few seconds. Ant Lions are swarmed all over the window and are unsuccessfully trying to break through the thick material with their sharp, pointy legs. The door closes and the commander asks "Are they all out?" One of the soldiers replies "Yes sir". "Let's go then, open it", says the commander.

The big door opens revealing a charging ant lion guard with heavy combine turret rounds hitting its back from behind. Before it can reach the entrance to the transport, a rocket jets down from a hunter-chopper above hitting in the back, sending it flying into the transport and smashing one of the soldiers against the wall, killing him. "I said move!" yells the commander. The remaining combine soldier and the commander start pushing you and the other passangers out the door.

When you land on the ground you see a huge battle raging outside all around you. A soldier pushes you into the middle of a circle of combine soldiers that are providing fire from all sides against the waves of ant lions. coming at them. Four soldiers, evenly spaced around the circle of armed combine soldiers, have mobile turrets. These look like the normal combine placible turrets except with a set of three, low friction ball-wheels on the bottem. Around you, you can see the following scenes:

-a gunner on top of the transport manning a heavy combine gattling turret, cutting down ant lions around your protective circle of combine soldiers.

-two combine gunships flanking and attacking the huge ant lion alpha guard.

-the ant lion alpha guard luckily swatting a gunship out of the air. sending it barreling onto ant lion swarms and combine elites below.

-combine elites loading out of two dropships and fighting the ant lion swarms.

-two combine hunter-choppers firing their heavy rounds and missles down on the ant lions while dropping mines. The mines explode, sending up clouds of dust and ant lions.

-a combine tank rolling out from behind a big rock, shooting bullets and rockets at the antlions.

-an ant lion guard climbing up the mound and then jumping off, ramming a hunter-chopper in mid-air. The chopper spins out of control and hits the ground. The big propeler on top chops up ant lions and begins to shatter as the chopper slids across the sand from its leftover momentum.

While all this is happening, your circle of combine protectors progresses slowly, but steadily towards a waiting dropship. Whenever antlions manage to fly over the heads of the the soldiers with the turrets, combine soldiers near the center of the circle quikly gun them down with shotguns and combine pulse rifles. An antlion guard manages to breech through the circle of combine before it can be gunned down, sending soldiers (including one with a turret) flying through the air. "Protect the prisoners!" yells one soldier.

The remaining hunter chopper flies over to kill the ant lion guard and succeeds, but the damage is already done. Ant lions rush through the breech in the protective circle of soldiers. You pick up a dead soldier's dropped shotgun. You can kill the other combine soldiers, but if you do, the antlions will rush in and kill everyone, including you and the other captives. You have to fend off the hordes on incoming antlions with your shotgun until the combine can reorginize and re-from the circle around the prisoners.

The alpha guard bucks the other gunship with its head, causing it to explode. With the gunships out of the way, it starts charging towards you and the mass of soldiers around you. The remaining hunter-chopper and tanks fire missles at it to no avail. The alpha guard picks up a tank and throws it at a dropship that has elites flooding out of it, shooting their rocket launchers at the alpha guard. The tank hits the dropship, destroying them both in a huge explosion. The alpha guard continues on its path towards you while still trying to swat away the helicopter with its multible limbs. Right before the alpha guard reaches you two dropships fly in, dropping two striders. The two striders, each a bit taller than the alpha guard, finally manage to bring down the alpha guard with the helps of rockets from combine tanks, the hunter-chopper, and from the launchers of elites. The alpha guard falls and hits the ground with a deafening thud, sending a shockwave rumbling through the ground. With the alpha guard defeated and nothing to lead them, the ant lions begin to retreat back to the mound and scatter all over the desert.

You, your combine guards, and the other captives board the dropship. The combine soldiers force you into pods similar to those in the transport. These pods have a little porthole that you can look out of. You see a soldier step in front of you. His arm reaches down and presses an unseen button. Mechanical arms come out of the side of your pod and retrain you. A needle attached to a robotic arm then extends by your right side. It pierces your neck, you have a small seizure, and you black out.


Emerging from the shadows comes the face of the G-Man. He gives Adrian a similar speech to that of Gordon's at the begining of HL2. "I have an important job for you...Mr. Shepard", The G-Man drones. "You seem to bit a bit...restrained...right now. Never worry. I have arranged for your...escape. Brace yourself though...it may be a...rocky ride".

The screen fades from black to you still in the holding pod, looking out the port hole. The sounds around you go from dim, to loud, vision from blurry, to clear. The dropship seems to be under fire from heavy projectiles, with combine soldiers sent flying into the holding area walls each time one hits. You hear soldier screaming curses, the commander from back in the transport yelling into his walkie-talkie,"mayday, mayday! Under heavy attack! Requesting-" theres another impact that blows in part of the wall right the commander, killing him instantly. Combine soldiers and a few pods fly out the hole made by the explosion, falling to whatever lies below. Flames start to engulf the interior and you see combine soldiers grabbing onto anything they can so they wont be sucked out the breech in the wall. The dropship starts spiraling, sending combine soldiers smacking into walls. You hear the dropship losing altitude fast. The dropship hits and you see dirt and crushed metal flooding towards you right before you black out yet again.

You wake up , your vision is distorted from being knocked unconcious from the crash. You're still in your pod, looking out the view port. You see a part of the dropship wreckage above you, along with a few pods still attached to its walls and combine bodies littered all over it. Surrounding the wreckage are a bunch of broken trees, you appear to have landed in a swamp in the middle of a forest. A tough looking man with a robotic eye looks into your view port. "Ay guys, I think we gots another live one 'ere"

I'll add sum more 2morrow for you guys if you like what i wrote already, I might just make this one a story and put it in the fan fiction section, but i think it'd make a pretty cool expansion pack style mod. I'll try to make some rough concept drawings if you want too.
Very long read, but it sounds like Starship Troopers: Half-Life 2 Edition...a.k.a. friggin' awesome!

Quelaar said:
Very long read, but it sounds like Starship Troopers: Half-Life 2 Edition...a.k.a. friggin' awesome!


haha kinda, i got alota inpiration from starship troopers. This is just pretty much the opening level of the mod though. I know itz a really long read lol so just scan through it if u can.

Here's a summary of the basic idea of it, but i'd still have you rather scan through what I wrote above first:

You're Adrian Shepard from HL: Op4 (the first official expansion pack). You're stuck in a pod in a combine transport heading to an unknown destination when all hell breaks loose. Swarms of ant lions come out of the ground and begin attacking the transport and a massive starship trooper-like battle ensues when backup arrives. For some reason, you, and the other prisoners on the transport are extremely valuable to the combine, and they vigoriously make sure you and the other cpatives go unharmed. While the battle is ending, you are forced to board a combine dropship. The dropship is shot down on its way to its planned destination by a group of survivalists living in the woods. And im going to work on the story from there, i just hafta finish Half-Life 2 first so it can all work with the Half-Life universe.
Quelaar said:
Very long read, but it sounds like Starship Troopers: Half-Life 2 Edition...a.k.a. friggin' awesome!


Yes yes yes, hell yes.

If you've got the skills, go for it. Or, if you've got influence, get other people to do it for you :D
lol, unfortunatly I have no modding/map-making skill what-so-ever, just lots and lots of ideas ;(