HL2 E3 graphics spotted...


Space Core
Jul 2, 2004
Reaction score
HMMMMMM ive found a veeeery interesting link within the forums:
and thought it needed more attention.

if you spot the 'Dynamic props
(dynamically placed
grass, rocks, etc)', it shows that dx8 cards only show those effects near the camera, whilst dx9 show them all the time.....Now...watch the E3 trailers very closely. notice on the beach video (with the buggy), how the grass only appears near the camera. dont that mean the video was taken using a dx8 card???? im probably wrong...but if im right....look at that detail ffs.

but this was taken in august last year...
The E32K4 presentation was running an X800 Pro. While the 2k3 presentation was running a 9800 Pro.

Both were running full detail, as far as any of us know.
i thought 2k4 was run on a 9800 xt? oh well. and i hope i can have my grass and rocks all in place and not have to get close enough to see it.
guinny said:
i thought 2k4 was run on a 9800 xt? oh well. and i hope i can have my grass and rocks all in place and not have to get close enough to see it.

Nope X800 Pro. :thumbs:
Well that's sorta upsetting. The game, imo, didn't look very graphically impressive at all...and if that's on an x800 pro...then whats the final product gonna look like? :(
Pureball said:
HMMMMMM ive found a veeeery interesting link within the forums:
and thought it needed more attention.

if you spot the 'Dynamic props
(dynamically placed
grass, rocks, etc)', it shows that dx8 cards only show those effects near the camera, whilst dx9 show them all the time.....Now...watch the E3 trailers very closely. notice on the beach video (with the buggy), how the grass only appears near the camera. dont that mean the video was taken using a dx8 card???? im probably wrong...but if im right....look at that detail ffs.

but this was taken in august last year...

That link you posted is very old, as you can see on the last paragraph, under the directx9 stuff, they say they didnt test it with the game, cuz i saw this almost a year ago, HL2 was still under heavy development, not everything was finished like it is (almost) today, so i assume they weren't really sure if this was going to happen, and at the e3 videos, they probably did that for performance as he said before
The 2k4 was on an X800 pro?! I thought the 9800 pro could run max settings! Oh well, even if I have to settle for a 9800 pro, my monitor only supports up to 1280x1024.
guinny said:
Well that's sorta upsetting. The game, imo, didn't look very graphically impressive at all...and if that's on an x800 pro...then whats the final product gonna look like? :(

HL2 isn't all about gfx....its mainly about the gameplay, and storyline, gfx is just an add on. :)
i know but i wish the gfx would at least keep up with the next-gen. it looks like hl1 with sharper textures.
guinny said:
i know but i wish the gfx would at least keep up with the next-gen. it looks like hl1 with sharper textures.

Erm. No? lol

I'm tired of everyone hating on VALVe JUST because HL2 basically lacks what they want.. dynamic lighting coupled with dynamic shadows.
doesnt the grass also appear near the camera in the 2004 vids? example in that river level with the boat thing, the grass fades in.. or am i just seeing things, is that what youre talking about?..
guinny said:
i know but i wish the gfx would at least keep up with the next-gen. it looks like hl1 with sharper textures.
You're joking aren't you. Perhaps watching the game from an E3 Gamespy cam, but not on the binks.
idk to me it seems like some places theres bump mapping, some places their not, some places theres more detail, some places its bland, some places are very smooth, some places are very boxy, some places look repetitive texture-wise, some look incredibly realistic....its very hard to tell how good hl2 graphics are because to me at the moment they've seemed to have either gotten worse or were never that good to begin with
Basing this on? Show me all these awful areas in the E32k4 demonstration

The older shots, I agree completely, but the latest presentation showed otherwise