HL2: Episode One Android DevTest Maps: ValveTime Spotlight Exclusive


Retired Lead Content Creator
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May 29, 2007
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Yesterday's video was child's play. In it, we took a close look at a pair of simple testing environments used to experiment with the Portal gameplay mechanics. In today's follow-up, we're taking a look at the hidden files of the Android port of Half-Life 2: Episode One, released back in December 2014. Alongside the old devtest maps originally featured in our original Android port video, we're analysing and showing off a series of exciting, never-before-seen maps which date back to the developments of Half-Life 2 and Half-Life 2: Episode Two!

Below you will find a couple of images showing a comparison between the beta version and the final retail version of the Mining map, as featured in our video!

mine01_01.jpg mine01_02.jpg
mine02_01.jpg mine02_02.jpg
mine04_01.jpg mine04_02.jpg
Don't forget to check out yesterday's Spotlight Exclusive episode, where we examined the unused contents of the Portal Android port, before subscribing to our YouTube channel, following us on Facebook, Twitter, and TwitchTV. Thanks for watching!
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So these are Valve's tests for the original games? Neat!
I'm really surprised how well they pulled off the wasteland aesthetic in that test map with default assets. I mean, its still basic, but the texture options are there. And I'm always a fan of large engagement areas with combine soldiers.
So these are Valve's tests for the original games? Neat!
Wasteland_test appears to be, but the "styleguide" maps are designed to keep artists and level designers on the same page when creating environments intended to be placed side by side.

Basically - "An Antlion cave should have these textures, these models, this kind of lighting, and this kind of atmosphere".

As for the "devtest" maps, the Portal ones were likely created by Nvidia during the porting process, while it's highly possible the HL2 and Ep1 levels were created by Valve. Who knows.