I have had half-life 2 deathmatch and CS:S installed and played since it's launch. Everything has worked positively fine until this new "friend upgrade patch". Now everytime I try and load Half-life deathmatch or CS:S, I get the "hl2.exe application error cannot read memory blah blah. I've been looking everywhere for a solution and so far NOTHING. It's important to know, these 2 games have been working fine until 2 days ago! What could of caused this? I have reinstalled twice, once removing steam, to no avail. My other games such as Half-life and Bioshock load up fine, older games like TFC and the original Half-life load up to a black screen then crash to desktop. The first time I reinstalled it loaded into a black screen the immediatly crashed to desktop. Drivers, switching ram slots, new target destinations for shortcuts, and reinstalls have done nothing whatsoever. Can anyone PLEASE help me solve this problem? It seems like everyone USED to have it, but there are no answers anywhere.