HL2.EXE stopped running (AGAIN!!)


Dec 4, 2010
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i have tried everything to try and fix this for hl2 and gmod

i try to start it i does the valve logo it loads the main menu...
GAH! i just cant fix it... ;(

it loads and everything but when i shoot an enemy that gives a blood like particle it crashes

i get shot it crashes
i stay on gmod too long THE COMPUTER REBOOTS
i load to many props IN THE MENU it crashes...
and a hell of a lot more!... :hmph:
PLEASE HELP please... ;( ;( ;(
I used to have this all the time, then I switched to a USB sound card and it stopped for a while and then the USB sound card broke so it started crashing again. I've upgraded my system twice and since I've upgraded (touch wood) no hl2.exe errors.

If it crashes with a looping sound, it's the sound card
here (im not a computer whizz)

What are your computer specs?

Processor Information:
Vendor: GenuineIntel
Speed: 2533 Mhz
1 logical processor
1 physical processor
HyperThreading: Unsupported
FCMOV: Supported
SSE2: Supported
SSE3: Unsupported
SSSE3: Unsupported
SSE4a: Unsupported
SSE41: Unsupported
SSE42: Unsupported

Network Information:
Network Speed:

Operating System Version:
Windows XP (32 bit)
NTFS: Supported
Crypto Provider Codes: Supported 323 0x0 0x0 0x0

Video Card:
Driver: SiS 651_661FX_741_760_M661FX_M661MX_M741_M760

DirectX Driver Name: SiSGRV.dll
Driver Version:
DirectX Driver Version:
Driver Date: 14 May 2004
Desktop Color Depth: 32 bits per pixel
Monitor Refresh Rate: 60 Hz
DirectX Card: SiS 651_661FX_741_760_M661FX_M661MX_M741_M760
VendorID: 0x1039
DeviceID: 0x6330
Number of Monitors: 1
Number of Logical Video Cards: 1
No SLI or Crossfire Detected
Primary Display Resolution: 1024 x 768
Desktop Resolution: 1024 x 768
Primary Display Size: 12.60" x 9.45" (15.75" diag)
32.0cm x 24.0cm (40.0cm diag)
Primary Bus Type Not Detected
Primary VRAM: 32 MB
Supported MSAA Modes Not Detected

Sound card:
Audio device: SB Live! Wave Device

RAM: 991 Mb

UI Language: English
Microphone: Not set
Media Type: DVD
Total Hard Disk Space Available: 76316 Mb
Largest Free Hard Disk Block: 46597 Mb
Steam Hard Disk Usage: 8087 Mb
OS Install Date: Apr 05 2006
Game Controller: None detected

is this what you mean ? :eek:
do you mean like *BANG* bullet hits rebel agh-agh-agh-agh-agh *CRASH*?
i shoot somone that makes a blood like particle then the person goes *hurt* *hurt* *hurt* *hurt* *hurt* *hurt* *hurt* *hurt* *hurt* CRASH
Looks like you might need a better graphics card. I don't think a 32mb graphics card is good enough to run Source.
I have the exact same problem, if I kill an NPC in GMOD, even If I'm far away and not looking at it it still crashes. My comp's specs are good enough to run GMOD fairly smoothly.