HL2 freezing during gameplay, help!


Sep 9, 2004
Reaction score
HL2 and CS:S both freeze during gameplay, but after.......5 seconds or so it goes back to normal. I'm pretty sure my system can handle HL2 and I have no viruses/adware (just ran a scan Saturday) so I don't know what the problem could be. Nothing is overclocked and my temps are decent. GPU never goes aboe 60 Celcius and CPU never goes above ~32-33 Celcius. I don't know what I can do since I've done a defrag as well. Should I verify my HL2 files even though it worked fine before? This started about...2 weeks ago.

AMD64 3000+
XP Professional
Gigabyte - K8NS nForce3 mobo
After trying the verify files thing, I still have the same problem. I have the newest drivers and such, don't know what else to try. Maybe I'll try beta drivers.
Does it freeze when you play other games or do other things?
Doom3 doesn't freeze if that's what you mean, and it doesn't freeze during general use (internet browsing, video, Word, etc.)
yeah, me too

AMD 64 (3200+)
XP Home
nvidia 6800 gt
2 gb ram
2 x 10,000 rpm raptors
Sound Blaster Audigy 2

And same damn mobo as you. Makes me think something's up with the mobo.

No excuse for the lagging, with my comp. Everything else runs cleanly w/o hanging. This is a bunch of crap.

I played through the game before... within a month after it came out, but now I've been back at it (starting last week), and I can't play at all. It hangs up constantly now. I put the soundcard in between when I played through it and when I started playing again... I thought it was that, and was about to take it out, but I'm starting to think it has something to do with the mobo.

Other games are fine. (although, this kind of thing happened on occasion with doom 3 and far cry, but very rarely. Anything source is impossible to play now.)

I'd hate to have to buy another mobo for this... hopefully there will be updated drivers by someone.
Maybe update bios? Or try different drivers like the omega drivers for ati or nvidia or the xtreme g drivers for nvidia. Maybe defrag or clean up the startup.
I reformatted and it works fine, but...I'm building a newer better system (see sig)
that sucks

Nuclear option, eh? I'm really not in the mood to re-do my machine, but if that's what it takes...

It's a good thing I've kept my raptors pretty clean of important stuff, so I won't have any backing up to do. It's strange though, that I would already have to re-do the system. What a pain in the arse.