HL2 Freezing When New Maps Load

Dark Auro

Jul 31, 2003
Reaction score
Hey all, hope you can help me with a problem. The last 2-3 days HL2 has been screwing up on me. While I'm playing, when I get done with a certain part of a map and the "Loading..." text pops up, I've waited about 5 minutes and finally with frustration press the windows start key on the keyboard and right click the HL2 tab to close it getting a message it is not responding. Before this, HL2 would only take about 10-15 sec to load a new map so something is going on here. If anyone could help me out with this problem I'd really appreciate it. Thanks.
I had that problem and still do sort of, but not when it is autosaving. I suggest, uninstall and re-install. I did that when I had the autosave problem and it worked. But now I have another problem, and it was not fixed with uninstall and re-install. But good luck.
Have you installed several new programs or filled up you hard drive lately? You should download Diskeeper (a defragmentation program) and run it a few times. That will clean up your hard drive and make it go faster again.

EDIT : Dark, try this : Link 1 and Link 2

Oh, and Klawz what's the new problem you've got ?