HL2 has ruined gaming!


Sep 27, 2004
Reaction score
I can't stand the idea of playing any lesser games after HL2! I still have Jedi Academy, Morrowind, and Far Cry to play with, but I really don't have any desire to. I NEED to be able to pick up objects with a gravity gun and throw them! I just want to keep playing HL2 until HL3 comes out. HL2 has totally spoiled me in 3 days! Anybody else?
Yes. I'm going to not eat or sleep for two years and just post here until HL3 comes out.
Roger that.

STALKER and FEAR are still lookin good tho. But nothing is going to school HL2 until HL3. VALVe pwns all.
I find myself playing alot of old HL1 mods lately. I believe its because i'm really anticipating these awesome mods going to the source engine with fully revamped graphics and physics etc.

Like Sven coop, and Natural Selection, And team fortress classic. <drools>
Yes is was really the physics is what REALLY made this game leaps ahead. I just couldn't put the gravity gun down even when i had better weapons :-P its like the new crowbar...

I was also thinking throughout the game is that i can't wait to see what the mod community is gonna do with it hehe.
then play hl:s, I think they did a fantastic job porting it over.
Weedums said:
then play hl:s, I think they did a fantastic job porting it over.
I tried. I cant play it. HL1 was my fav all time game, but it has officially become archaic.

I hate to say it, but HL1 needs a full overhaul. Good thing thats in the works.
dlandis72 said:
I can't stand the idea of playing any lesser games after HL2! I still have Jedi Academy, Morrowind, and Far Cry to play with, but I really don't have any desire to. I NEED to be able to pick up objects with a gravity gun and throw them! I just want to keep playing HL2 until HL3 comes out. HL2 has totally spoiled me in 3 days! Anybody else?

Yes, it's just like once you start eating caviar, nothing tastes as good, once you start drinking Lous XIII cognac, start sleeping with supermodels, sigh... Hard to come back down to the average after that
I still have yet ot play HL: S. I'll do it when I finish half life 2.

And on that note...
well im a retail owner therefore hl:s is outta my reach for the mo :( lol, but I have to agree the physics in this game are phenominal, even though the graphics arent quite as high end as doom3 id rather pull out my gravity gun and start throwing a barrel around any day
After getting the super charged gravity gun on Our Benefactors, it is going to be hard to go back. But I think Call of Duty: Finest Hour and Viewtiful Joe will suffice. :cheers:
Let me say this. I'm only going to say it once.

Doom 3's Graphics are more impressive... but Half-life 2's graphics are more realistic. If that makes sense.
I dont think Doom 3 has better gfx at all. It has better lighting, but HL3 has superior textures, models, and animation. And when you think about all the variation in HL2 versus the marine base/hell settings of doom 3, hl2 has a vastly greater amount of detail in all its variation.
Yeah, action gaming is pretty much gonna be HL2 for me from now on. I could still go for a nice RPG, though...wait, I suppose there's still MGS3 and Metroid Prime 2...oh well, I was wrong!
Yeah. This sucks. Even CS:S is booooring because of the "bumpy physics". And there arent even any striders... :p
I cant even think of playing HL1 or something, its just disgusting how static the enviroment is. I cant even think of a new game without Havok and the same characterrenderingtechnologyorwhateveritis. Conclusion: HL2 has revolutioned the gameplay.
Cukel said:
its just disgusting how static the enviroment is.

Yeah... I have a feeling I will be saying this a LOT about other games until HL3. But, look on the bright side, many good aspects of HL got incorperated into other games, hopesully VALVe has once again driven the industry into a new paradigm.
so really they've just upped the anti
this is a good thing.
I'm stuck away from my PC for awhile...on my Moms PC...powerful enough for HL1 at low res...

Even HL1 is hard to play now without physics...I mean, rounded corner, had barrel and zombie. I just wanted to grab that barrel and slam it into the zombie...
no can do. :(

Come on Black Mesa Source team!!!
same for me

I guess I never really realized it untill recently having beaten hl2 and yeah other games will just never be the same. BUT i have to say splinter cell for me is another classic and I can't wait for chaos theory to come out!!!
are you crazy? how can you not like jedi academy anymore? it is the greatest game ever in the history of the world and no game will ever match it's brilliance.
Spartan said:
Any more overstatements?

May be an overstatement for YOU, but its not an overstatement for some. For me personally, I felt it revolutionized the gameplay for me. No other game have I felt the ability to interact more with my enviroment than HL2. The story wasn't the best, but the capability of the engine blows anything else out of the water.

You're starting to sound alot like she now Spartan, just posting against peoples opinions to bash HL2 for the sake of trolling.
i wouldn't necessarily need grav gun in other games, but i would really like at least to pick up objects with the use key. kicking up and chucking stuff is really cool, especially while using a weapon
for me Quake 3 CPMA will be the game of choice until i get a proper pc that can run HL2 better and/or some insanely nice mod is released for HL2. :]
As soon as I got started playing HL2 I got Deus Ex vibes immediately, the whole picking up stuff, ragdoll, and atmosphere reminds me of that game, and I really loved Deus Ex so it's all good! :LOL: