hl2 is so slow



HL2 is so slow. it would run fine, but would freeze alot for about 10 seconds. sometimes it freezes for 5 to 10 minutes. i thinks it a hardware problem. i just need you guys to confirm it and to give me some advice. thanks


PROCESSOR : Intel Pentium 4 CPU 2.93GHz
MEMORY : 248MB RAM (not sure why it says 248. i have a 256 ram card in it)
GRAPHIC CARD : Intel 82915G Express chipset Family
DRIVERS : iamlmrnt5.dll, version 6.14.0010.4421, date 11/3/05

i'm pretty sure my ram is too low. i'm not sure about my graphics card, but it shows the graphics fine so i think its aight. processor is also aight
OMG. You don't have a proper graphics card. Sorry. Intel graphics "cards" are chipsets integrated into the motherboard and are incredibly underpowered compared to dedicated graphics cards i.e. Radeon and nVidia.
Time to go shopping. Get another stick of RAM while you're there.
its mostly your memory because winxp uses a bunch but also it is the intigrated card
Heres why to a much higher extent:
You have 256megs of ram.
You have a 128meg intergrated video card.
Basically the Video Card, since it's intergrated, will use your ram. This basically screws you over. Thus giving you 128megs of ram, and 128megs for video when playing HL2.
Now 256 is absolute shit in the first place.
Basically: Buy a Video Card and ram.
so if i added 256MB ram making it 512MB then it should be fine?

cause i'm too broke to buy a new video card, and figured that ram is cheaper

also, is there any settings i could change to make it work better? like lowering some effects or something?
try typing mat_picmip 4 into the console. That'll make it run Marginally faster.

EDIT: you will have the worst graphics possible for HL2 by the way.
so if i added 256MB ram making it 512MB then it should be fine?

cause i'm too broke to buy a new video card, and figured that ram is cheaper

also, is there any settings i could change to make it work better? like lowering some effects or something?
You may be able to umm run it...but it will probably still be like shit(performance) and should be run at DX6/7 level. But more ram would help not only HL2 but your whole desktop. I'd look to 512megs of ram though.
Intel Graphics Cards == Weak.
u53r_n4m3 said:
so if i added 256MB ram making it 512MB then it should be fine?

cause i'm too broke to buy a new video card, and figured that ram is cheaper

also, is there any settings i could change to make it work better? like lowering some effects or something?

This is gonna be brutal but: get a games console. PC gaming ain't cheap.
*update on my problem: loading time is so slow. takes 5 to 10 minutes for the game to load when i pass a loading point/screen

i have a ps2 and played hl1 on it. now i want to play hl2 but i don't have an xbox so pc is my next option.

if i upgraded the ram, would the game run smoothly(no freeze, fast loading time) but with sh!tty graphics or would it still freeze for like for 10 seconds everytime and load slowly?

i could live with sh!tty graphics, just as long as the game itself runs without interuption(freezes) and loads fast.

also, if say i have about $50 to spend, what would my best option be?

thanks for the help.
It still wouldn't load 'fast'. The game loads slow even on powerful systems, AFAIK. It also freezes and stutters on powerful systems, on occasion.

Your best option with that cash is probably to rent or borrow an Xbox and HL2 for it.
pomegranate said:
Your best option with that cash is probably to rent or borrow an Xbox and HL2 for it.
However, he's already purchased HL2 for PC, and because he's evidentally already opened and installed it, he won't be able to get a refund.

More Ram is absolutely essential. It would probably improve your loading times, but your Graphics card is dire. Consider taking a graphics settings hit to get a bit of frame-smoothness back (1024x768 is a pretty high resolution for that card, and if you've got other advanced settings on, your performance will suffer a great deal. You shouldn't be using any anti-aliasing / filtering / textures on high or perhaps even medium). Trouble is, the game will invariably look horridly ugly. Sure, games shouldn't be all about graphics, but you have to draw the line of enjoyment somewhere.

Check your PC supports a nice new graphics card, and treat yourself. Or get a new PC. Or sit on your hands waiting for levels to load, and fear their ugliness when they finally appear. Your call :)
kupoartist said:
However, he's already purchased HL2 for PC, and because he's evidentally already opened and installed it, he won't be able to get a refund.

More Ram is absolutely essential. It would probably improve your loading times, but your Graphics card is dire. Consider taking a graphics settings hit to get a bit of frame-smoothness back (1024x768 is a pretty high resolution for that card, and if you've got other advanced settings on, your performance will suffer a great deal. You shouldn't be using any anti-aliasing / filtering / textures on high or perhaps even medium). Trouble is, the game will invariably look horridly ugly. Sure, games shouldn't be all about graphics, but you have to draw the line of enjoyment somewhere.

Check your PC supports a nice new graphics card, and treat yourself. Or get a new PC. Or sit on your hands waiting for levels to load, and fear their ugliness when they finally appear. Your call :)

i think i'll just shit on my hands cause i'm flat out broke. i live in a college dorm with this ugly as$ PC. just lost my job last month and spent most of my money on books. now i only have about $100, $50 for gas and $50 for anything else. so maybe i'll just buy me a new ram, upgrade it to 512MB so i could improve the loading times from like 20 mins to like 10 mins and just suffer with ugly as$ graphics. you guys are so lucky for having such nice PCs.

one last question. if you have the same exact problem, ugly PC, broke, and only has $50, what would you do?

thanks for the help. i appreciate it.
u53r_n4m3 said:
one last question. if you have the same exact problem, ugly PC, broke, and only has $50, what would you do?
With so little money, i'd not even bother with the Ram upgrade. There's only so much you can do with Ram upgrades, and if you're truely this low on cash there have got to be far better things to spend your money on. I take it "anything else" isn't including Food right? You'd have to prioritise that over Ram. You can't eat Silicon Chips, even if you microwave them :) Oh and finding a new job sounds like it should be a priority, but I'm sure you know that ^^

And I'd recommend sitting on your hands over shitting on them :D
kupoartist said:
With so little money, i'd not even bother with the Ram upgrade. There's only so much you can do with Ram upgrades, and if you're truely this low on cash there have got to be far better things to spend your money on. I take it "anything else" isn't including Food right? You'd have to prioritise that over Ram. You can't eat Silicon Chips, even if you microwave them :) Oh and finding a new job sounds like it should be a priority, but I'm sure you know that ^^

And I'd recommend sitting on your hands over shitting on them :D

actually i dont need to spend the $50 for food since i have this account the pays for my food in the cafeterias at my college. so the $50 is for anything i need to atleast get hl2 running nice.
u53r_n4m3 said:
i can't cause i don't have a credit card. so i think i'll have to go to some store or something.
Stores = rapage.

Give someone with a credit card your $50 and have them buy stuff for you online.

There is also the possibility of performing personal favors to increase your spending limit.
u53r_n4m3 said:
*update on my problem: loading time is so slow. takes 5 to 10 minutes for the game to load when i pass a loading point/screen

i have a ps2 and played hl1 on it. now i want to play hl2 but i don't have an xbox so pc is my next option.

if i upgraded the ram, would the game run smoothly(no freeze, fast loading time) but with sh!tty graphics or would it still freeze for like for 10 seconds everytime and load slowly?

i could live with sh!tty graphics, just as long as the game itself runs without interuption(freezes) and loads fast.

also, if say i have about $50 to spend, what would my best option be?

thanks for the help.
Tell you what if you get that 512MB ram I have a xtra 128MB (AGP) BFG Nvidia 5500 OC card if you live in the states PM me your address I will send it to ya. and keep your $50 for spring vacation. But you have to have an AGP slot otherwise its no good to ya.
I just want the man to play is there something wrong with that........I want you to play man.
_Z_Ryuken said:
I'm lookin I'm lookin! D:

I don't make teh dough until spring/summer though.

Look faster winter is coming winter is coming remember the cabin-fever winter is coming damn winter is already here well good luck find a season-mate its time to mate....Do you know more women get pregnant in the winter than in the summer? Like Jimmy Buffet said "Its a scientific fact" in Fruitcake.

Speaking of fruitcakes this one of my most favorite songs and like you can tell. Yes I'm a Pirate.

Fruitcakes in the kitchen
Fruitcakes on the street
Struttin' naked through the cross walk
In the middle of the week

Half baked cookies in the oven
Half baked people on the bus
There's a little bit of fruitcake left in everyone of us

Paradise - Lost and found
Paradise - take a look around

I was out in California
Where I hear they have it all
They got riots, fires and mud slides
They got sushi in the mall
Water bars and Brontosaurs
Chinese modern lust
Shake and bake life with the quake
The secret's in the crust


We lost our Martian rocket ship
The high paid spokesman said
Looks like that silly rocket ship
Has lost it's cone-shaped head

We spent ninety jillion dollars
Tryin' to get a look at Mars
I hear universal laughter
Ringing out among the stars

Fruitcakes in the galaxy
Fruitcakes on the Earth
Strut naked towards eternity
We've been that way since birth

Half baked cookies in the oven
Half baked people on the bus
There's a little bit of fruitcake left in everyone of us

Religion, religion.
Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa
Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa

Where's the church, who took the steeple
Religion's in the hands of some crazy ass people
Television preachers with bad hair and dimples
The God's honest truth is it's not that simple

It's the Buddhist in you, it's the pagan in me
It's the Muslim in him, she's Catholic ain't she?
It's that born again look, it's the wasp and the Jew
Tell me what's goin on, I ain't got a clue

Here come the big ones - Relationships -
We all got 'em, we all want 'em. What do we do with'em?
Here we go I'll tell ya

She said you've got to do your fair share
Now cough up half the rent
I treat my body like a temple
You treat yours like a tent

But the right word at the right time
May get me a little hug
That's the difference between lightning
And a harmless lightning bug

Fruitcakes in the kitchen
Fruitcakes on the street
Struttin' naked through the cross walk
In the middle of the week

Half baked cookies in the oven
Half baked people on the bus
There's a little bit of fruitcake left in everyone of us

The future, Captain's log, Star date 2000 and somethin'

We're seven years from the millennium
That's a science fiction fact
Stanley Kubrick and his buddy Hal
Now don't look that abstract

So I'll put on my Bob Marley tape
And practice what I preach
Get Ja lost in the reggae mon
As I walk along the beach

Stay in touch with my insanity
Really is the only way
It's a jungle out there kiddies
Have a very fruitful day
ive played cs 1.6 with an intigrated card and its hard to play i mean your forced to play at lowest settings and still get crap performance and that was with 768mb ram so ram wont really help much. your better off with a real graphics card
Intel is crap. For video cards, use ATI or NVidea, they are both good. For processors go with AMDs. :E
giant384 said:
ive played cs 1.6 with an intigrated card and its hard to play i mean your forced to play at lowest settings and still get crap performance and that was with 768mb ram so ram wont really help much. your better off with a real graphics card

Absolutely your ram helps you load HL2 playable files into memory space or ram so HL2 files would be in easy accessed area and not in HD which is much slower than ram.
Video card or video ram in the video card is where the actual files in the system ram is displayed by way of ramdac and core so yes you need two types of processors and two type of rams to display any one given playable file and yes you do need both processors and both rams for performance integrated Vcards do put lots of weigh on system CPU and ram since they share with the rest of files and devices.
Its more complicated than that I need a whole page to explain this but I hope you get my drift.

And yes ATI Invidia is your best bet for video processing chips. and yes AMD out performs Intel in single task like playing a games.
Barney Fife said:
Tell you what if you get that 512MB ram I have a xtra 128MB (AGP) BFG Nvidia 5500 OC card if you live in the states PM me your address I will send it to ya. and keep your $50 for spring vacation. But you have to have an AGP slot otherwise its no good to ya.
I just want the man to play is there something wrong with that........I want you to play man.

how much do you want for it?

i also got my hands on 3 128MB stick for free. my friend upgraded to 512B and gave me his old sticks. now i have 640MB, subtract the shared 128MB from the video card and now i have 512MB. i'll try it soon. can't right now. got papers to do.
u53r_n4m3 said:
how much do you want for it?

Nothing consider it as late christmas gift.
Do you have an AGP slot? If you do, PM me your address. Otherwise I'll have to give it to another broke needy student I just have soft spot for them freaks.