HL2 look primitive in 5 years?


May 28, 2003
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Do you think HL2 will look like crap to us in a few years? I mean games are getting to the point (Mainly D3 and HL2) where they look pretty damn good. I mean I think we can all agree that even though HL1 and Unreal were cool, you could obviously see that they were far from lifelike, even the day it came out.

But with D3 and HL2, even in 4-5 years, I think we will still be able to say "It looks pretty good". Maybe I'm wrong, and I'll be like Mr.Gates saying 256kb of ram outta be enough for anyone back in 1983 or whatever it was. I just think graphics are finally getting to the point where atleast the polygon counts are creating much more lifelike characters/worlds.

I thougt Dungeon Keeper 1 looked very very nice when it came. But now i cant play it anymore, Its to ugly... ;(
I can't think of any games I thought looked really good off hand. I mean, there are no doubt good looking games, but HL2 and Doom 3 are the first ones I really went "Wow, is that a 3D rendereing, or a screenshot.".
It was 64 k mr gates said should be enough, and yes Hl2 will look good in 5 years, for HL1 still looks good today. Not as good as current games, but since I have played games since PONG was invented, it has held it's own. Alot of current games look like crap compared to the Quake engine that HL was made, and I am sure in 5 years Half Life 2 will still look better then alot of games from 2008.
Not like crap, but there will be significantly more realistic looking games (there already is one).

Definitely would not look like "crap" though, just look at Half-life 2...
Just wait until games come out that look like FF: spirits within than say that Hl2 will look good. But no doubt Hl2 with it's ability to take advantage of newer hardware as it comes out will still be able to hold it's own in 5 yrs. We will just have to wait and find out. :)
Originally posted by TAZ
It was 64 k mr gates said should be enough, and yes Hl2 will look good in 5 years, for HL1 still looks good today. Not as good as current games, but since I have played games since PONG was invented, it has held it's own. Alot of current games look like crap compared to the Quake engine that HL was made, and I am sure in 5 years Half Life 2 will still look better then alot of games from 2008.

I don't know if I agree the HL1 engine looks that great. It isn't horrible, but the particle affects and polygon counts are somewhat crude. I still play Counter-Strike though, doesn't look that bad I guess.
Of course HL2 won't look as good 5 years from now. It won't look bad, but it won't be top of the line anymore.

I personally think that HL1 has held up pretty well after 5 years, but there are those that would say that the game is downright homely at this point.
Not to de-rail my own thread, but ever think how freaky it's going to be playing games that are 100% photo-realistic? Basically looks like a real killing happening on your screen. Weird...:eek:
Originally posted by infin|ty
Not to de-rail my own thread, but ever think how freaky it's going to be playing games that are 100% photo-realistic? Basically looks like a real killing happening on your screen. Weird...:eek:

Nah, by that time games and alchohol will have be outlawed along with Oreos.....

What a time that will be....
more freaky: Think when we in some way can make this VR world... Not like "the matrix" but when we know that we "could" make a matrix world in some years... Thats freaky! :afro:
Yeah, it's hard to know for sure what we will get to in the future and how far into the future we will get there. One thing's for sure though, it's a rollercoaster for the imagination.
Complete VR that is photo-realistic would just be creepy. I don't know if I could play games that involved a lot of violence if graphics became that good and games were that immersive. It would just feel too wrong, almost like i'm actually killing someone.
I see the future of VR as a possibility and a likeliness in that it's the next biggest step in Video Gaming. With what we have now as far as technology compared to what we had 20 years ago is just mind boggling. Technology never seems to slow down in development, so in another 20 years all this is very well possible.
For the moment however, anything involving Virtual Reality that i've seen have been mainly FPS stylized games. I played one a few years back, that you sat in a chair that had controls built into it and put a visor on. Wherever you looked that would be where your aiming, or where your crosshairs were.
The graphics weren't overly amazing, but it was a few years ago, was a pretty fun thing though.
I think that if we did have VR arcades and such that they would consist of soley FPS until different gaming methods were developed.

The future is a creepy place.
To be honest, I wouldn't want to play with photo-realistic graphics. Not anytime soon anyways

Just imagine you see everything like in real life, then blast a house with a rocket launcher. Whats this? The house is made of steal! Holy shizle! Get my picture? I'd like to keep it Computer Generated untill ultra-realistic physics/properties can be implemented into video games.
Originally posted by infin|ty
Not to de-rail my own thread, but ever think how freaky it's going to be playing games that are 100% photo-realistic? Basically looks like a real killing happening on your screen. Weird...:eek:
Raises some interesting ethical issues. Pretty scary ones at that.
I think its all relative, for me games like quake1 and doom are still impressive because i played them the day they where released sure they are very dated nowadays but i dont consider them bad. However someone who is new to the gaming scene would look at them and say they are crap. I think it will be the same thing in 5 years time. Those of us who played half-life 2 since its release will consider the graphics to be good but very dated. Meanwhile those new to gaming will look at them and say they are crap. Perhaps others dont see it that way :) just my experience
Actually, most people new to gaming would think highly of them. It's most of the people who play games all the time that think poorly of them. Personally, I could care less about the graphics in a video game, just as long as the textures are smooth and the explosions, muzzle flashes, and overall damage effects look nice. "Along with the character models" Also, the story has to be good too, even games with some of the most beautiful graphics can have the worst stories. And I could care less about them

That's why I got so interested into Half-Life. From the moment I started going down into so many levels of security, I was interested.
Raises some interesting ethical issues. Pretty scary ones at that.
I don't think it does, if you'd have showed me HL2 in 1985 I would have considered it fully photo-realistic. But we aren't debating the ethical issues or killing humans in HL2 are we?
Originally posted by Dagobert
I don't think it does, if you'd have showed me HL2 in 1985 I would have considered it fully photo-realistic. But we aren't debating the ethical issues or killing humans in HL2 are we?
Basically what I meant was that if you're playing a game with incredibly realistic humans, then how easywould it be to kill them? Perhaps extrememly easy - seperating gaming and reality isn't really all that difficult. But the more involving the characters are (expressions and such), the more eerie shooting the f**k out of them could become. Especially with a game like Soldier of Fortune (which is crap I know) - increasingly realistic/over-the-top gore on increasingly convincing enemies. Just could be interesting to see where it goes, and how far.
But no, that's not what we're debating really, so apologies for the tangent.
As some have said, if they ever do make a completly photo-realistic game, I doubt that I would be interested in it. I mean most people who play games, do it because it's a sort of escape from every day life. So I doubt there would be a very high demand for it. But I think the best game graphics should get should be like Pixar and that sort, I sorta like the cartoonish look of games. That's just me though.
Originally posted by infin|ty
Maybe I'm wrong, and I'll be like Mr.Gates saying 256kb of ram outta be enough for anyone back in 1983 or whatever it was..


If you were going to be like Bill Gates saying that, then you never made your post. See http://www.everything2.com/index.pl?lastnode_id=124&node_id=91182 - It wasn't Bill Gates' decision, it was IBM's. Nobody even asked Bill Gates his G*ddamn opinion on the matter, yet he is always blamed.

edit: forum mangled original url.
I think that game devs will never make a 100% photo-realistic game. It would never be allowed to market. I wouldnt even want to play a game that looked 100% real. Id play a game with 100% real physics though. Games can evolve in far more ways than just graphics.
I would play them when I was a tad older.... but theres always more things to improve on before photorealism games

tons n tons infact it will prbably be 2 categorys VR and Video Gameing

I would try the more intense vr when I was a bit older
but bring on da vid. gameing baby
actully at the rate video cards and software is going itll only be 2-3 years until it looks ugly
Valve has said they build the Source engine for the next generation of hardware and will release higher resolution textures and super-high polygon count characters when the technology is available to take advantage of them, so I think Half-Life 2 will look very respectable for quite some time.
I hope HL2 looks primitive in 5 years.

Games should look better over time, imagine if HL2 looked just a little better than HL1 because in 5 years the computer gaming industry had barely progressed. :shudders:

The only thing about realistic graphics I won't like is the inevitable cheap thrills of NPC nudity that will be unleashed in games. I cringe at the thought of buying a game that looks cool only to find out I will be fighting topless female assasins whose health only goes down 5 points with you shoot their exposed jugs with a rocket launcher.

Some of you kids out there may think that is cool, but me being married and able to get the real thing, I find it childish getting all giddy at a fake, nude NPC on my monitor.
Yeah, in 5 years i will think that hl 2 looks crap like every others old game because the technologie will continue, maybe we will be in the game you know virtual reality with a helmet and glove with cable etc ....
All i know it s that the future game comming will have new graphics etc...
And our computer will be p6 or 7 8,0 ghz or something.
With a graphic card of 800 ram ddr
In five years time all games will be similar to the graphics of FINAL FLIEGHT OF THE OSIRIS, or similar to FINAL FANTASY the spirit within.
Originally posted by Gorgon
In five years time all games will be similar to the graphics of FINAL FLIEGHT OF THE OSIRIS, or similar to FINAL FANTASY the spirit within.

I think it'll be more than 5 years time. There's still a LOT of improvements that can be made to games like HL2, DOOM III, etc. I don't doubt it will happen, but I'd give it more than 5 years.
There will allways be games like Judge Dredd being released to keep HL2 looking sweet!! :cheese:
i think it's pretty hard to predict the future of computing. i remember when i was 10 or 11, in 1998 or so, watching an interview with an expert on tv saying 'in the year 2000, computers will be your friends. they will talk to you, and have personalities.' etc, etc. well, here we are, 2003, none of that's really happening. they had a whole board of experts, predicting full virtual reality, robot slaves, etc, it was pretty funny.

anyways, we might even hit a wall. there's only so fast a processor can go before you have to find a new method to making a faster computer.
The problem with question like "In five years time....." "in the future....." Is that we cant predict the future at all. For all human kinds experience we can barely predict a year into the future. Obviously something will be 90% likely to happen but we still don't know. Things like computers are extremely hard to predict. 10 i could only imagine cards like the Radeon 9800 and games like Hl2. I never thought i would play anything like it. We are very limited by our surroundings and what is happening now influences our ideas of the future. In the fifties the future was all about cars on rails with fins. In the sixties it was flying cars and silver suits. In the seventies.....well no one really knows. In the eighties there was a lot of grim predictions of the future. Because at the time that was the way things were heading. In the early 1990's it was similar to the 80's but there was also a new feeling that everything would be perfect. Or it would be like the film Demolition man. in the later 90's and up till now some of our predictions of certain things have seemingly become more realistic but our predictions are guaranteed to become laughing matters in 10 years.

Anyway. Back to the point. Hl2 will still look nice in 5 years if you don't compare it to anything. However if you put it against Hl3 it will probably look quite dated. The same way that Hl looks good on its own but next to Hl2 looks pretty crumby.

The thing about photo realistic games is weird. I mean ethical issues have been mentioned but we see photo-realistic killing on the TV all the time. Now then obviously its not interactive like a game but still....
People already campaign against games violent games and i doubt that will change for a long time.
I would definitely play a PR (photo realistic) game if one were made. However if it was basically just a cop of real life then i would because as has been said games are an escape from the real world. They are there for fun not to repeat the problems of everyday life.

New ways of creating computers are being researched all the time.

Such as biological computers. In Isreal i think they have been looking into DNA and have got some stuff working. I wont go into it but its interesting. Theres also the more promising quantum computers. The processing power of a mdern day computer the size of a large house.....in something the size of a sugar cube.
yes anyway this game will be the best game ever. DO you agree?:cheers:
Graphics Patch will solve this problem. Plus it would be a big selling point to drum up new sales 2 years down the road. Release new maps, graphics update, and the game is fresh.
Especially since Valve is writing the engine.
Originally posted by Lifthz
Not like crap, but there will be significantly more realistic looking games (there already is one).

Definitely would not look like "crap" though, just look at Half-life 2...

OMG is it....STALKER? Lifthz, didn't we talk about this earlier...
hey have you guys seen GT4 screenshots? there's occasions where modeled courses and cars look almost BETTER than the real thing... hard to believe eh?


btw... FSAA not included...

and this is PS2, mind you... imagine what they will be able to do in 5 years. In the games world, things dont grow in a linear way, they grow in an exponential way -- keep that in mind. Course it's not the same type of game so they can allow themselves to use a lot more static elements, but in 5 years, these environments will be as dynamic as half-life2 and will look as good (or better) as a picture.

I think in 5 years HL2 will be regarded as ok looking but newer games are gonna obliterate it (graphics-wise)

course we wont know until 2008 so this is just speculation


edit: nice post Farrowlesparrow -- makes you think.
Wow Tlaloc, that looks sweet. And they have the 2004 STi!!!! Might have to break out the ole PS2 if Im not too busy with HL2. BTW when I said I wouldnt want to play photorealistic games. I meant violent photorealistic games.
HL2 might look primitive, but look at halo, its been around for awhile and Its still something to be marveled at, who knows.
i remember i thought goldeneye64 looked really badass and realistic.

i saw it again about a week ago, and it uses like 400 poly models with the blurriest skins youve ever seen
I still think HL1 looks good...well, at least CS. Replacing the models with high-poly ones really helps....but it still looks great.
The "matrix" issue will be already in HL2. Would you be prepared to kill a NPC who desperately begs you for his life? The state of mind to kill the guy must be probably the same as in real life. Now that's scary...