HL2 Mods

At what extent will you mod

  • Me, Mod. *Puh* I'll leave it to the professionals (Not a modder)

    Votes: 51 45.5%
  • Simple map maker, I am. (Partial modder)

    Votes: 30 26.8%
  • I supply the weapons, and other people use them (Team modder)

    Votes: 23 20.5%
  • I will supply them with adrenaline (Lone modder)

    Votes: 8 7.1%

  • Total voters


Space Core
Nov 10, 2003
Reaction score
I just came up with this. I'm going to see how many people will do mods when HalfLife2 comes out. I'm thinking of doing a mod my self, but it is still in the early stages (Thinking of the story)

So anyway if you are, just describe what its going to be below
Maybe, depends on whether i have the time during the school year.
Just think of the possibilities for vehicles

Jeeps, Tanks.....Tractors?
You forgot sitting around and waiting for someone else to make mods for you.
I'll probably go onto mapping and modelling. I'm not exactly sure how dedicated I would like to be with a team, seeing as how 2/4245623652346 actually cooperate and get the work done.
[shameless plug]
Neotokyo! ( www.neotokyohq.com )
[/shameless plug]

I'll be working on neotokyo with the rest of the team (I'm amazed at the talent in there), as well as possibly tinkering around myself, though only for my own amusement - I doubt I'd be able to put together anything myself since I'm not a modeller or mapper.

Also, anyone who has UT2K4 can check out a public alpha of the UT2K4 strain of the mod (which we started, I guess, out of the sheer frustration of waiting for HL2).

The source engine is a modder's dream... so much potential... I think nearly everyone capable of mapping or modding will want to get their hands dirty with it.
If someone wanted me on their team, I'd be a Team Modder...
When Halflife2 is released. I'll most likely start off with just simple map-making, whilst adding detail at the same time. Then if I feel that I could add more gameplay elements, I will create the appropriate items for use (vehicles, weapons, items, etc). then weave a singleplayer story to it.
brink's said:
You forgot sitting around and waiting for someone else to make mods for you.

I think thats the 1st choce. :p
i'm just a simple mapmaker... have to figgure out how to use the new hammer editor first, that's all
I used to make maps but that was a few years ago so I voted for option #1.
By the time this thread is done with there will be roughly 300 mods boasted about, but you'll be lucky if 2 of them are ever finished.
iamaelephant said:
By the time this thread is done with there will be roughly 300 mods boasted about, but you'll be lucky if 2 of them are ever finished.
Very true. Still, there's no harm in people trying, you've got to start somewhere. I'm very lucky to be in the team I'm in now... I've been involved in unsuccessful projects in the past (even my own, many years ago), but this one has been amazingly productive in comparison. Rather than wait for HL2 to come out, we've already got a playable version released for UT2K4.

I'd encourage anyone who has the interest\ability to get modding as soon as HL2 comes out.. even if they don't ever release their project, they'll certainly learn from it.
Im a team modder by heart. I have my main mod going on (Malin), but i also have a secret mod which i teamed up with Konaka (Writer of Serial Experiments Lain, Hellsing, Bubble Gum Crisis...) for. All my energy goes into the first mod - Malin - at the moment though, i want the design to be done and the mod to be in dev before I start on other things.
I just like to make some stuff (maps usually) just to see how they turn out.
how about Harvest Moon in full 3d world? wouldnt that be kool ?? jsut thought of it when he said Tractors :$
hmm, maybe it is a crap idea, nevermind :)
well, it is a crap idea. but that doesnt mean it woudnt kick extreme ass. unfortunatly it would take to much time and effort to make a harvest moon mod, and i dont suppose source was designed for that sort of game.
I just mess with everything, I mostly just make some maps to have fun with me and my friends.
Ill prolly get back into skinning/meshes and stuff like that, maybe finally learn how to map correctly instead of just putting down some blocks to hide behind
I'm working as concept artist on a couple of mods. It's extremely fun. :)
Shows us some of your work if you can :p
Logic ive been playing ur Mod and i have to say i love it.. :) all i want now is the vehicles :p
I'm a prolific sketcher but it takes me so long and the results are so... sketchy... that I've rarely done any concept art work unless someone pesters me. I'm fairly good at editing "blueprint" works, even in paint.

All my past modding experience has been with very, very simple modelling and textual work (i.e., as the story writer and designer). I'm one of the masses with several billion great ideas but not enough real talent to implement them.

It's classic really... who hasn't seen a website along the lines of "I'm the team leader, I tell people what to do. Before I start work on UberMegaSuper Mod however, I need to recruit. All I need is mappers, coders, modellers, designers, animators, skinners, play testers, texture artists, semi-psychotic forum regulars and voice actors, who'll do what I tell them to do."?

I'm going to have to wait for other people to do the hard work... and then will come the merciless ripping off and customisation! Edited .cfg's, here I come!
I have about 35 people ready to found a BUSINESS with the source engine itself. Money is slowly not becoming a problem, it's just finding a publisher who will give us a chance with the ideas we/have show/shown them. We are hoping to use the SDK of HL2 to demo the work to publishers[on a free level], and license the source and work from there.

I've been modding since the DooM 1 days, and will always mod in some form. It's a passion. Hell, all game development is a passion. Anyone in it for the money is obviously in the wrong field of craft.
Soon, hopefully, I'll start up a site and begin gathering a team. I have an outlined idea that's *completely* original.