HL2 Movie Tie Ins


Oct 24, 2004
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I have had a small list going on the different movies HL2 shares tie-ins with. Personally, I think this is great and is a nice way to pay homage to the defining Sci-Fi Movies that have defined an era, not to mention the movie connections add a sense of depth and familiarity to the HL2 world. Some of my connections below are dead on, some are more of a stretch because they are based on similar "feel". These are the ones I could think of, please list your own movie tie ins!

V -- a. The pods in the Citadel reminded me of the pods the aliens in V used to store their human food; b. In V humans could start the process of becoming an alien, much like how the Combine take over planets and convert the people into.

Alien(s) -- a. Headcrabs and facehuggers, 'nuff said; b. The turrets are very similar to the sentries in Aliens.

Dune -- Thumpers in HL2 and Dune keep away the insect like enemies who live in the sand (spice worms/ant lions).

Starship Troopers -- The Ant Lions look very similar to some of the bugs in ST, so much so there is a ST mod!

War of the Worlds -- In Orson Wells' classic aliens invade earth story, movie directors have often depicted the invaders as being long legged tanks. The Strider, besides being one of the coolest enemies in a game (how often do you get 40ft high tanks chacing you?!), it pays homage to the grand daddy of them all.

Star Wars -- a. Storm Trooper meet Combine Elite, Combine Elite meet storm trooper. I must say, both of your aims need some serious work...; b. The big slug guy at the end of HL2 who Breen is talking to reminded me kind of Jabba the Hut.

The Matrix -- a. You turn into Neo at the end of HL2... with the Blue Gravity Gun you literally could stop an army; b. And what more fitting place is there to turn into Neo than in the Citadel? My first thought when I saw the Citadel was of Zero One--a machine heaven that is consuming bioligical organisms for their survival and it also definately has the black/blue theme of the Matrix.

Star Trek -- The Borg assimulated species, taking their best traits and technology and integrating them into the hive; the Combine take the best of the species they assimilate and turn them into the Synth, which are half organic half machine--100% tough guy--troops who the Combine use to take over new worlds.

Zombies are in far too many movies to just say one, but definately a borrowed concept.

Anyhow, the result? A deep, familiar, and fun HL2 universe that has a great Sci Fi feel. Taking the best concepts from the best Sci-Fi movies and books is an excellent idea and HL/HL2 did a great job of combining those elements with a game that tells a story of its own. Feel free to add your own movie tie ins!
1984 - Both book and movie. The whole Big Brother effect is very much so in HL2. The City 17 atmosphere is taken basicly right out of 1984.

Equilibrium - Possibly even more so like HL2 than 1984 for all the same reasons and also the fighting.
Baal said:
1984 - Both book and movie. The whole Big Brother effect is very much so in HL2. The City 17 atmosphere is taken basicly right out of 1984.

Equilibrium - Possibly even more so like HL2 than 1984 for all the same reasons and also the fighting.

Yeah i was thinking the same thing about Equilibrium
Pootietang - Because of the gangsterness of the whole thing...Aight wicky waa...etc
Nice connection guys. I would add them to my first post but it wont let me edit :/ Anyone else have any ideas or suggestions?
War of the Worlds -- In Orson Wells' classic aliens invade earth story, movie directors have often depicted the invaders as being long legged tanks. The Strider, besides being one of the coolest enemies in a game (how often do you get 40ft high tanks chacing you?!), it pays homage to the grand daddy of them all.

Didn't the War of the Worlds machines also have massively destructive beam weapons? :)
the 'city 17' is from the world wars where russia wanted total secrecy, so they gave thier cities numbers and even stopped people entering cities and took some cities off the maps...
Back To The Future - in Eli Vances lab in the "black mesa" level, there are 2 or 3 crates that look very similar to the plutonium case used by doc in BTTF1 in the parking lot scene near by the beginning of the movie... i have a screenshot of the HL2 crates at home, i'll try to remember to post them tomorrow...
Battlefeild Earth (terrible fim) - Earth taken over by aliens, earths forces beaten in 9 minute war, aliens mine minerals, the aleins do it to loads of planets
Acert93 said:
Dune -- Thumpers in HL2 and Dune keep away the insect like enemies who live in the sand (spice worms/ant lions).

Somewhat similar, but they do the opposite thing. In Dune, the thumpers are used to purposely draw a worm toward you so you can ride it, or they can be timed to go off as a diversion to draw a worm away. But when I first saw the thumpers in HL2 I immediately thought of the ones in dune.
justmatt said:
Somewhat similar, but they do the opposite thing. In Dune, the thumpers are used to purposely draw a worm toward you so you can ride it, or they can be timed to go off as a diversion to draw a worm away. But when I first saw the thumpers in HL2 I immediately thought of the ones in dune.

Doh, you are right. It has been a long time since I read the book. But I remember now: They had to walk in unrhythmic patterns so the spice worms would not be attracted. The rhythm of the thumbers WOULD attract them. My bad :( Thanks for the catch man!
Saving Pvt. Ryan, Enemy at the Gates, et. al.

I felt often that I was in a WWII film. Two scenes in particular, were the storming of the beach with my ant-lion troops in toe while being rained down on by facists in thier pill-boxes and tower turrets.


Running around in "Follow Freeman" through bombed out buildings, in particular the snipers reminded me of the scenes where Jude Law and Ed Harris had thier sniper-off at the end of Enemy at the Gates.