did you just overlap a whole heap of the soundtracks?
doesn't require any musical ability at all to play other peoples tracks.

in your case, at most some kind of motoric skill to put it in a playlist. **** off
heh, what happens when a superMod and a Mod don't enjoy your work?
ahh well, you got bored. you should see me when i get bored.
CrazyHarij said:
in your case, at most some kind of motoric skill to put it in a playlist. **** off

Woah mate, he wasn't insulting you
That wasnt a remix, it just some hl2 tracks overlapped and not even in sync which sounded really horrible..
Not only were you bored, but you must have had only 38 seconds to complete this remix, submit it to putfile, and start a thread here.
jondy said:
Woah mate, he wasn't insulting you
Agreed, wtf harij

even if you feel his inferior music doesn't measure up to your godly standards, you don't have to act like a prick to him over it and take it personally
Music creation and mixing are 2 different things. They both require skill, Mixing is usally using other peoples tracks
Crushenator 500 said:
Agreed, wtf harij

even if you feel his inferior music doesn't measure up to your godly standards, you don't have to act like a prick to him over it and take it personally