HL2.net chatsessions gone bad!


Party Escort Bot
Sep 20, 2003
Reaction score
Post whatever funny, weird or crazy chat you've had with forum members, doesn't matter what program, IRC, MSN, AIM or such, just post it here if you think people'll have a laugh out of it. :)

I'll start with a old classic one:

<CrazyHarij> lol
<CrazyHarij> how do you add quitmessage btw?
<Thargore> /quit this is a lame attempt at trying to make me quit
<CrazyHarij> ok i quit and come back and you tell me
<CrazyHarij> if there was a message
<Thargore> k
* CrazyHarij Quit (Quit: <Baloogan> girls who give blowjobs are ****ed in the head)
<[Matt]verydrrun> heh
* [Matt]verydrrun is now known as [Matt]
* [Matt] is now known as [Matt]-
<Thargore> lol, is he coming back?
* CrazyHarij has joined #halflife2
<Thargore> yeh, you have one
<Thargore> [00:28] * CrazyHarij (~crazyhari@******.br******.skanova.com) Quit (Quit: I take all up my peepee-hole!)
<CrazyHarij> hey
<CrazyHarij> did it work?
* [Matt]- is now known as [Matt]
<CrazyHarij> err wtf
<Maxi> LOL
<Thargore> try it like this
<CrazyHarij> I said /quit <Baloogan> girls who give blowjobs are ****ed in the head
<Thargore> /quit test
<Maxi> try again
<Thargore> perhaps the <> ****ed it up
-> *thargore* my turn :p
* CrazyHarij (~crazyhari@******.br******.skanova.com) Quit (Quit: test)
<Thargore> \o/
<Thargore> this is fun
<Maxi> is he not coming back?
* CrazyHarij (~crazyhari@******.br******.skanova.com) has joined #halflife2
<Thargore> there he is
<CrazyHarij> well?
<CrazyHarij> did it work?
<Maxi> [01:30:19] * CrazyHarij (~crazyhari@******.br******.skanova.com) Quit (Quit: I r spammer 4 life. Girls are ****ed in the head <test>)
<Maxi> no
<CrazyHarij> damnit
<CrazyHarij> i said /quit test
<Thargore> think ya got a lil script there :p
<Thargore> someone mustve infected ya or something when you clicked some random link
<CrazyHarij> wow really?
<Thargore> try '/timer 0 0 color background $rand(0,14)'
<Thargore> that might work
<Maxi> yeah that might work
<Maxi> :D
<Thargore> /timers off
<CrazyHarij> heeelp
<CrazyHarij> HEEELP
<Thargore> /timers off
<CrazyHarij> NOW IT'S BLUE
<Thargore> omfg, im laughing off my chair here
<Maxi> lol
<Maxi> :D
<Thargore> CrazyHarij!!! /timers off
<CrazyHarij> and ITS STUCK ON BLUE
<Thargore> lol
<Maxi> LOL
<CrazyHarij> arghsrahahsfd
<Thargore> /color background 1
<Maxi> :D:D
<CrazyHarij> i cant see shit captain
<Thargore> Maxi, will you post it or will I?
<Maxi> i'll do it :D
<Thargore> \o/
<Thargore> let this be a lesson CrazyHarij, dont trust us :P
rofl, you suck yo ;) I got... eh, nothin' I guess.
irox sucks :X
Ah for crying out loud, you fellas don't get the point of the thread, do you?

There already is a shitload of chat databases, why not have one for forum people only? you never chat on MSN or aim or anything, or are you as boring as possible when chatting?
This is a day when I'm trying to make friends

Me: "Hello wall, what do you think?"
Wall: "..........................."
Me: "That wasn't nice, what do you have to say for yourself?"
Wall: ".........................."
Me: "Forget you, I'm off!"
Wall: "Fine!"
ME: "??????"
<nw> hey doug, when is half-life2 coming out?
<dlombardi> SEPTEMBER 30'th 2003!
<nw> kdawg

nw909 said:
<nw> hey doug, when is half-life2 coming out?
<dlombardi> SEPTEMBER 30'th 2003!
<nw> kdawg

I don't get it... I have my copy...
/me plays hl2 s'more
docsigma2000: jesus christ man
docsigma2000: my son is sooooooo dead
c8info: Why?
docsigma2000: hes been looking at internet web sites in ****ing EUROPE
docsigma2000: our ****ing phone bill is gonna be nuts
c8info: Ooh, this is bad. Surfing long distance adds an extra $69.99 to your bill per hour.
docsigma2000: ...!!!!!! **** **** ****
docsigma2000: is there some plan we can sign up for???
docsigma2000: cuz theres some cool stuff in europe, but i dun wanna pauy that much
c8info: Sorry, no. There is no plan. you'll have to live with it.
docsigma2000: o well, i ccan live without europe intenet sites.
docsigma2000: but till i figure out how to block it hes sooooo dead
c8info: By the way, I'm from Europe, your chatting long distance.
** docsigma2000 has quit (Connection reset by peer)

lol! 0wned!
I like the one where Onions shats his pants :P
Brian Damage said:
Is it just me, or is i-rox full of HL2.net mods chatting?
Yes do searches on our names :)

<Chris_D> CS does not **** with your head so pwned j00 fuzing hax0r biatch, I'm gonna fux you up you wall hax son of a fuxing b147ch I r teh 13373ar tahn j00!
<Chris_D> It's never had an effect on me.
[Kryton]: /exit and /quit jumps off a cliff, /exit is a feather and /quit is a brick, who will hit the floor first?
Quit: (Prinze) ([email protected]) (Signed off)
Quit: (iAo|LexoN) ([email protected]) (Signed off)
Quit: (PFS-EnZymeR) ([email protected]) (Signed off)
Quit: ([TS]-miiilo) ([email protected]) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
Quit: (MacGyver^^) (~topfragge@Fisher`s-WembY.users.quakenet.org) (Read error: EOF from client)
Quit: (Catch`Hell1z) ([email protected]) (Signed off)
Quit: (usn`nl|plx[cs]) ([email protected]) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
Quit: (j0ppe^) ([email protected]) (Read error: EOF from client)
Quit: (CriMs`) (crim@Criminal|.users.quakenet.org) (Signed off)
Quit: (CiaL-XeaNo\Afk) ([LL][email protected]) (Read error: EOF from client)
Quit: (ctp) ([email protected]) (Signed off)
Quit: ([gmo]kocH) ([email protected]) (Read error: EOF from client)
Quit: (|BC|SpiR) ([email protected]) (Read error: EOF from client)
Quit: (TuD|Aage) ([email protected]) (Read error: EOF from client)
Join: ([TS]-miiilo) ([email protected])
Mode: ([TS]-miiilo) sets (+b *!KyleSumner@[snout]kryton.users.quakenet.org)
Kick: (Kryton) was kicked by ([TS]-miiilo) (DONT POST ANYTHING LIKE THAT AGAIN! :banned)

Christ thats funny.
remind me, the Irc noob never to enter a hl2.net chat room again. :O
Brian Damage said:
Is it just me, or is i-rox full of HL2.net mods chatting?

pay us a visit on irc.quakenet.org #halflife2 and #trickery :)
[00:05] <^Ben> the last piece of ass i had is when my finger slipped through the tissue

That takes the biscuit :)
(01:12:53) (D33) OH YES
(01:12:55) (D33) THIS MORNING
(01:12:57) (D33) I WAKE UP
(01:13:00) (D33) TO FIND AN MSN
(01:13:06) (D33) FROM CYBERSHEEP
(01:13:12) (D33) One of your lot
(01:13:15) (D33) from the hl2.net forums
(01:13:20) (D33) saying he had a dream about me
(01:13:21) (D33) like
(01:13:22) (D33) wtf
(01:14:14) (D33) 8/25/2004 9:52:54 AM sheepy D33 // I think I had a dream about you the other day
(01:14:14) (D33) 8/25/2004 9:53:40 AM sheepy D33 // maybe it was real life though
(01:14:15) (D33) 8/25/2004 9:53:44 AM sheepy D33 // I can't tell anymore
(01:14:30) (ComradeBadger) haha
(01:14:48) (CrazyHarij) i think you got yourself a stalker
(01:14:49) (D33) I'm scared
[Matt] said:
pay us a visit on irc.quakenet.org #halflife2 and #trickery :)

Funny how I'm banned from #trickery, never been there in my life....lol
CrazyHarij said:
(01:12:53) (D33) OH YES
(01:12:55) (D33) THIS MORNING
(01:12:57) (D33) I WAKE UP
(01:13:00) (D33) TO FIND AN MSN
(01:13:06) (D33) FROM CYBERSHEEP
(01:13:12) (D33) One of your lot
(01:13:15) (D33) from the hl2.net forums
(01:13:20) (D33) saying he had a dream about me
(01:13:21) (D33) like
(01:13:22) (D33) wtf
(01:14:14) (D33) 8/25/2004 9:52:54 AM sheepy D33 // I think I had a dream about you the other day
(01:14:14) (D33) 8/25/2004 9:53:40 AM sheepy D33 // maybe it was real life though
(01:14:15) (D33) 8/25/2004 9:53:44 AM sheepy D33 // I can't tell anymore
(01:14:30) (ComradeBadger) haha
(01:14:48) (CrazyHarij) i think you got yourself a stalker
(01:14:49) (D33) I'm scared

haha sh33ps on the prowl... :laugh:
Here is a msn convo with me and friend, we where talking about source engi and doom 3s one.

Me says:
If half life was is the sweet lil virgin, then doom 3 is the nimfo allways on her back >;/
Me says:
It is nice that it still feels like half life
Him says:
thats never pulled her underwear up in her life
Me says:
Yea, dirty skank whore!
Him says:
i'll take 2